Uxbridge Gazette

Call to stop people who pick on pigeons


I CLAIM the right, as a citizen of our democracy, to go wherever I please, without fearing that I will see pigeons being deliberate­ly targeted, kicked, chased, bullied and abused, or that I will risk my own personal safety if I try to defend pigeons from abuse.

Last week, I was nearly kicked in the street by a boy who was relentless­ly kicking and chasing pigeons. His screams of hatred echoed across the neighbourh­ood, shattering the peace. It was horrible, disturbing and frightenin­g.

All wild birds are protected under the Wildlife and Countrysid­e Act 1981 which makes it illegal to take, injure or kill a bird of any species. Pigeon persecutio­n threatens to contravene this Act. It disturbs our streets and parks, fills the atmosphere with threat, and compromise­s the enjoyment of life for ordinary people, who dread seeing the abuse taking place, but can do absolutely nothing to stop it.

Pigeon abuse has become acceptable. This shames our country as Nation Of Animal Lovers. Hatred has no place in our society today.

Pigeon abuse leads to further cruelty towards vulnerable animals and people, as evidenced by reports of increased levels of cruelty, both in the news, and by animal welfare charities, such as the RSPCA. Pigeon abuse fuels violence, because it teaches children that abuse, bullying and hatred are somehow “acceptable”. Children are being indoctrina­ted to hate.

What can anyone do if they see someone abusing pigeons? Even polite requests to parents or children, not to frighten the pigeons, are met with hostility, and anyone defending pigeons risks abuse or physical attack themselves. This is a serious threat to public health and safety.

Pigeon abuse is never challenged, but condoned! All my requests to a major conservati­on charity - and to people in authority – to protect pigeons and members of the public, from the results of pigeon abuse – are ignored. Neverthele­ss, one day, a pigeon or a person will be injured.

Pigeon persecutio­n and abuse is Antisocial Behaviour, Speciesism and Hate Crime. It must be classed as such, and stopped, before anyone is injured. It also compromise­s public health, safety and well-being of all those people who care about pigeons and their welfare, and cannot bear to see them being so cruelly abused. Name and address withheld

 ??  ?? Bmail columnist Barbara Fisher toasts Alison from Beautyvell in Windsor Street, Uxbridge, celebratin­g 30 years of her beauty business
Bmail columnist Barbara Fisher toasts Alison from Beautyvell in Windsor Street, Uxbridge, celebratin­g 30 years of her beauty business

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