Uxbridge Gazette

Why are people in work turning to foodbanks?


WE DID not hear about food banks before the austerity which started a decade ago.

Food banks were linked to the third world countries who could not feed their people. Now it has become the buzz word in UK.

The question why it is happening in a rich developed country. It is because food bank use is “the result of an immediate income crisis” people are facing due to benefit payment was delays; others are due to changes in benefits and poverty, like low incomes, debt, homelessne­ss and sickness or domestic abuse.

Things you should know about food banks and hunger in Britain today are:

1. Food bank use in the South East, the region known for its wealth and relative prosperity, is up over 60% this year.

2. Thousands of families face the prospect of relying on emergency food handouts this Christmas.

3. Some people who are in full time work are using food banks to support themselves and their families.

4. Many of these work zero hour contracts – people are employed, but can work little or no hours in a week. They have no financial stability, and are not guaranteed enough to pay their rent, bills, or buy food.

5. Three in 10 people say they are now struggling to feed themselves and their family because of the rising cost of food.

6. Niall Cooper, the national coordinato­r of Church Action On Poverty, says: “Where are we as a society that people in work are having to turn to food banks?

It’s a big question but it does not feel like one the Government wants to answer.”

7. Food banks don’t just hand out emergency food, they also provide other essentials such as nappies, formula milk and sanitary towels.

If immediate and appropriat­e action is not taken the situation would get more acute. I hope the new government that comes to power next month addresses this crucial problem and put an end to food banks.

Baldev Sharma

Via email

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