Uxbridge Gazette

I think I’ve shown that even a non-dancing dad in his 50s can learn some moves

Sports presenter Mike Bushell tells MARION McMULLEN why he has Strictly to thank for his new slimline look


What has taking part in Strictly Come Dancing meant to you?

I’VE loved my journey on the BBC show and have lost a stone and a half in weight – that shows how good dancing is for you. I think I’ve shown that even a non-dancing dad in his 50s can learn some moves. I do football, tennis and running and I thought I was fit, but I never seemed to be able to shift that last stone. But Strictly did it ... and it hasn’t gone back on.

Are you dance ready for the Strictly arena tour next year?

(LAUGHS) I’m still doing bits. I’m doing kick ball changes and chasses in the kitchen. I’m not sure yet what dances I will be doing on tour so I’m doing them all ... keeping the muscle memories strong. I ran 5k yesterday and felt like Bambi after all this weight loss.

Is Strictly one of the hardest things you’ve ever done?

I’VE tried more than 500 sports over the years including things like wing walking on a plane. You learn how to do it all, but you only ever do it the once. With Strictly I was training 12 hours a day, learning how to do lifts and using muscles I had never used before. It was the most extreme thing I’ve done. You work every muscle group, but it was getting easier by the end. Katya (Jones) is such a good teacher.

How did you handle the criticism from the judges?

(LAUGHS). I’ve a birthday coming up and I’ve asked for T-shirts printed with some of the quotes like ‘Odd darling, very, very odd’ from Craig (Revel Horwood) and ‘Your jockstrap was too tight, darling’. It’s part of the panto of Strictly and I loved that, but I also paid attention to the technical criticism because I wanted to learn.

What was it like dancing with guest judge, Fresh Prince actor Alfonso Ribeiro?

I WAS doing his iconic dance moves right in front of him. I didn’t want to scare cats and dogs with my dancing and he was great and later joined us on the dance floor. It was just perfect timing that when I did a hip-thrust a floor light came on and highlighte­d my crotch. (Laughs) A lot of people noticed that.

You found yourself in four dance-offs during the series. Was that hard to deal with?

I WAS the favourite to go out first when the series started, but I put in all the work with Katya. I had bruises on my shoulders from the lifts. I always thought of the dance-offs as a penalty kick-out and a chance to do the routine twice. Profession­al dancer Aljaž (Škorjanec) told me ‘twist your wedding ring around three times and focus on your partner’.

Were you sad about not making it to Blackpool?

WE had already booked the trip to Blackpool anyway so I went to be part of it. I was even on the dance floor with Katya. She got me up to do a bit of the Charleston. It was a special moment to be in that famous ballroom and I felt part of the Blackpool experience. I loved the competitio­n and I feel I left with my head held high and that’s all you can do. You can’t do any more. We ended with a conga. (Laughs) We went out on a high.

What has been the public reaction to your dancing?

I’VE had dads and mums stop me in supermarke­ts and tell me the show has inspired them and their children to dance and to set up jive clubs. I personally found the jive hard on the balls of my feet and calf muscles and Saffron (Barker) said she found the same thing when she came to do it.

The first dance on Strictly you have two weeks to prepare, but then it’s a new dance to learn and just one week to do it. My second week was the American Smooth and I had to learn a ballroom frame. I’ve never had much upper body muscles and that was tough.

Will you be keeping in shape over Christmas before the tour starts?

I’LL be keeping ship shape and fit with lots of exercise. We’ve even got the Strictly board game at home so we might be playing that on Christmas Day.

It will be different on the tour. I don’t know if Katya will still be my partner, but lots of friends and family who couldn’t get to see the TV performanc­e will be buying tickets for the live shows and coming along for support.

I’m so thrilled to be asked to go on the Strictly tour and hopefully I can inspire people in venues across the country. I think I prove that dance is good for everyone ... there is no age limit.

■ Strictly Come Dancing The Live Tour 2020 begins on January 16. Go to strictlyco­medancingl­ive.com for venue and ticket details.

I loved Strictly and I feel I left with my head held high. BBC sports presenter Mike Bushell

 ??  ?? Mike with partner Katya Jones on Strictly Come Dancing
Mike with partner Katya Jones on Strictly Come Dancing

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