Uxbridge Gazette

Meet the Lido Ladies

- By HAYLEY CLARKE hayley.clarke@reachplc.com @hayleytcla­rke

JESSICA Walker and Nicola Foster like to be the first to arrive at the Lido.

Arriving for 7am most days, the pair find the pool an oasis of calm in a busy world, particular­ly in London, where city life is always ‘on.’

After a family tragedy left Jessica, 56, suffering from chronic anxiety, she found what became an almost daily meditation in her local South East London Lido.

Following some encouragem­ent and persuasion, she managed to convince her ex-competitiv­e swimming friend Nicola, 55, to dip her toe back in.

Now, both Jessica and Nicola want to encourage others to find the positive effects, for mental and physical health, for themselves.

“It is such a joy to swim under the open sky with all that nature brings,” shared the duo.

“Whatever the weather, we are in the pool! Rain, sleet, sun, snow, us ladies are splashing around. It’s an uplifting experience that gives you a “feel good holiday feeling”. We love lidos!”

For those feeling apprehensi­ve about their first dip, the Lido Ladies explain there is no need to be nervous.

“The lido swimming community is very friendly and embracing. All are welcome,” they said.

“The lido is a safe environmen­t that enables you to build confidence in the water at your own pace. There are always competent lifeguards on hand who will offer constructi­ve advice and cheerful banter.”

For both Nicola and Jessica, outdoor swimming has been transforma­tional. They feel swimming is an “absolutely fabulous” way to get fit, and a habit that will stick.

“It is also particular­ly good for women of our age. You are weightless in the water, so it’s easy on the joints and swimming works every major muscle group in your body.

“It builds stamina, improves cardio, it’s effective for weight management and is just fantastic for overall wellbeing. Us Ladies feel very energetic as a result of our swims!”

For those concerned about the cold, Jessica and Nicola warn that some are heated up to 25C, but others are not, so for those looking to swim yearround, it’s best to double check before you go in the colder months.

My London also asked the glamorous pair what we’d need if visiting the lido for the first time.

“You can grab a swimsuit and a towel from the airing cupboard and you’ll be just fine,” they responded.

“However, if you want the full lido experience, we recommend the following: find a swimming costume that makes you feel as confident as possible, a towel that you’d like to take home rather leave in the locker, a pair of sliders that are pretty and practical, a swimming hat – we choose to wear flowers! – eyewear to suit your stroke and a lovely basket to put it all in.

“Not all lidos have changing facilities available at the moment so you are advised to arrive “swim ready” with outerwear that is easy to pop off and on at the poolside. Showers are generally available outside even if changing rooms are closed.

“Do bear in mind that these outdoor showers do not offer any privacy! We always come prepared with the essentials, including shower gel, hair products, face cream, sun protection and a pair of warm, dry knickers!”

Jessica and Nicola helpfully added that slots for the lidos usually need to be pre-booked online or via an app, which is helpful in giving yourself some accountabi­lity, to ensure you get yourself to your swim.

For those having trouble securing elusive swimming spots, the Lido Ladies stress tenacity is the key, and not to give up if the technology is failing you.

“Different lidos have different systems,” they said.

“For the technicall­y challenged, do not give up at this juncture! We have had to telephone a number of lidos to seek human assistance. Tenacity is the name of the game when it comes to securing swim slots. We liken ourselves to a dog with a bone. We usually book a week ahead, but this varies depending on the lido. Early morning and late evening slots seem to be the most popular so if your lifestyle allows you some flexibilit­y, try and avoid peak times.”

Lido Ladies hope to encourage Londoners to seek the calm of the water

“You are uncontacta­ble in the pool,” they explained.

“We find being in the water soothing and calming. Swimming is a gentle meditation where we de-stress, clear our minds and regroup. We have some of our most creative thoughts when we swim. The water is a rejuvenati­ng force for both the body and mind.

“See you in the pool.”

 ?? VICTORIA JONES/PA WIRE ?? Jessica Walker and Nicola Foster, known as the Lido Ladies at Charlton Lido
VICTORIA JONES/PA WIRE Jessica Walker and Nicola Foster, known as the Lido Ladies at Charlton Lido
 ?? ©2020 KEVIN CLARKE, NAMEKREATI­VE ?? The Lido Ladies

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