Vegan Life

Saoirse What’s Yours Is Mine


What's Yours is Mine (WYIM) is an exciting new clothes swapping platform, where users upload preloved items and are rewarded with tokens to spend on other people's clothes. This creates a circular economy, and, as COVID-19 restrictio­ns dissipate, users will meet up to exchange items. Ultimately, the online company hopes to grow a community that helps like-minded people to make connection­s.

In a statement sent to Vegan Life, WYIM founder Saoirse told us more about how it all began: “I started the business part-time in 2020 and am now focusing on it full time. At boarding school from age 14-18, I constantly borrowed clothing from my friends, and I still do 10 years later. I find wearing a four-yearold pre-owned jacket every bit as exciting as having something brand new. If second-hand clothes can give me that same satisfacti­on, why do I need to buy new ones? We all have enough clothes — we should share what we already own. My aim with WYIM is to reduce consumptio­n of fast fashion by sharing the items we have. We want to support people in mixing up their style and having ‘new' clothes as often as they'd like, just secondhand ones. I love fashion and playing around with my style often, and when I started to be a more conscious consumer, I was discourage­d from changing my clothing, which I think is a shame. I believe we can still wear fashionabl­e pieces whilst being responsibl­e consumers and protecting our planet.”

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