YOUR bristled implement legal queries answered by Viz’s in-house brush lawyer, Mr Quercus Petraea, QC


Dear Mr Petraea, QC,

On April Fools’ Day this year, we were staying at my sister’s and I decided it would be an amusing prank to stick my brother-in-law’s toothbrush up my arse. Unfortunat­ely, however, my brother-in-law uses an electric toothbrush, and once the bristled head was fully inserted into my anus, I accidental­ly switched the mechanism on, thus painfully rupturing my anal cavity. The resulting rectal fissure has since become infected by faecal bacteria, and I have subsequent­ly had to take TWO MONTHS off work at reduced pay. Do I have a claim against my brother-in-law for the injury I incurred whilst using his toothbrush? Bert Felch, Hammersmit­h

Mr Petraea, QC, says:

“You certainly do, Mr Felch. Your brother-in-law knew full well that it was April Fools’ Day, and, as such, any of his smallto-medium-sized personal items (including stationery, cutlery, or indeed any kind of brush) could well find their way into a friend or relative’s anus. By failing to ensure that his electric toothbrush was out of batteries, your brother-in-law KNOWINGLY put your rectal safety at risk - and he must pay the price for it. I would recommend hiring a solicitor to pursue him through the courts until he pays up. That will be £350.”

Dear Mr Petraea, QC,

I am a burglar who also happens to be bald, and while breaking into a house a few months back I came across a beautiful gold and diamond-embossed hairbrush on the nightstand. The item’s obvious value meant I could not afford to leave it behind, but ever since stealing it, it has just sat there smugly on my mantelpiec­e, taunting me about my lack of hair. I have become extremely depressed as a result, and haven’t done any burgling for weeks, which has led to me missing my latest electric bill and having my power cut off. Am I entitled to compensati­on from the hairbrush’s owner(s)? Darren Theft, Chelmsford

Mr Petraea, QC, says:

“You are indeed, Mr Theft. If your victims were wealthy enough to afford a precious stone-encrusted hairbrush, they must also have known they were likely to be burgled at some point. Their decision to leave that brush lying about represents a clear failure to consider the emotional impact of male pattern baldness within the burgling community: a fact that is morally - and legally - unforgivab­le. My advice would be to seek representa­tion immediatel­y and pursue your victims through the courts until they a) pay up or b) have the decency to cover the cost of a hair transplant and/or toupee, so you can begin burgling again with a fully replenishe­d sense of self-esteem. That will be £500.”

Dear Mr Petraea, QC,

I am a fairly high-ranking Canterbury-based Anglican Archbishop. I was recently at the house of another prominent member of the Anglican Church, and was using his toilet after a heavy meal of black pudding, chocolate gateau and four pints of Guinness. Upon flushing the lavatory, I realised I had left some rather unsightly marks at the bottom of the bowl, but when I looked around for a toilet brush, there was none to be found. As such, I was forced to leave the stains unscrubbed, and I have since been subjected to a barrage of mockery and harassment from my fellow clergymen, many of whom have begun calling me ‘Skidmark Welby’. Do I have a case against the owner of this brush-less lavatory for the damage he has done to both my personal and profession­al reputation? Name withheld by request, Canterbury

Mr Petraea, QC, says:

“I’m afraid this is something of a grey area. Whilst every UK lavatory is legally required to provide toilet paper, air freshening spray and something to read, there is no actual law stating that a brush must be present. As any good lawyer will tell you, what you should have done in that situation was to ball up a load of toilet tissue and dump it into the bowl, without flushing. This would have temporaril­y hidden your unsightly faecal stains, which could then have been blamed on the next person who flushed the toilet. That will be £600.” Have YOU got a legal enquiry about literally any sort of brush whatsoever? Why not write in to: ‘Brush with the Law’, c/o Viz Comic, PO Box 841, Whitley Bay, NE26 9EQ

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