Late actor still boozing it up in cyberspace


DURING his lifetime, actor OLIVER REED earned a reputation as a harddrinki­ng, hard-living hellraiser. Tales of the star’s notorious booze-fuelled benders, which often lasted several days, were the stuff of showbiz legend. It was sadly no surprise when he died aged 61, following an epic drinking match with sailors during production of the movie Gladiator in 1999.

At the time of his death, Reed’s scenes for the movie had yet to be completed, and director Ridley

Scott was forced to complete filming using a computerge­nerated body double.

But now, nearly 20 years after he hellrose himself to death, it seems that Reed’s CGI avatar is back up to his old hellraisin­g tricks, after it apparently went on a 72-hour drinks binge rampage during production of a special high definition 20th anniversar­y ‘director’s cut’

version of Gladiator, set to be released next year. olly

“It was just like old times,” said a spokesman for special effects company The Mill. “Following a bank holiday weekend, we were going to render a scene in the gladiator school, but when we looked in the hard drive for the virtual version of Ollie on the Tuesday morning, he was nowhere to be found.”

“His cache hadn’t even been slept in.”

Filming was called to a halt while SFX technician­s scoured the internet for the missing 32 million pixel graphical embodiment.

kiss me

“He must have got out of our computer system on the Friday night and somehow made his way into the drinks section of the Tesco website,” said the spokesman. “Once in there, he had proceeded to booze his way through everything he could lay his virtual hands on over the whole long weekend.”

“When we eventually found him, he was in a terrible state, completely drunk and slurring his words.”

Later, the CGI Reed got into YouTube and appeared completely drunk and slurring his words on several videos of chatshows where he hadn’t already appeared completely drunk and slurring his words.

 ??  ?? Reed: Virtual piss-up.
Reed: Virtual piss-up.

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