Chicken or Egg?


IT’S a conundrum as old as time – Which came first, the chicken… or the egg? For centuries, the greatest thinkers and philosophe­rs have been unable to answer this seemingly simple question, and despite massive leaps in our understand­ing of the world, today’s scientists don’t seem able to come up with the solution either. So perhaps it’s a conundrum best left to the celebritie­s.

We asked some household names – pop singers, sports stars, stage and screen celebritie­s – for their answers to this age-old poser.

LAURENCE FOX, arsehole

“I think it is more likely the chicken came first, because if you think about it, a chicken could have evolved from something else that didn’t hatch from an egg, like a fish or a newt or something. But an egg couldn’t have evolved all by itself.”

KATIE PRICE, former tit model

“It’s obviously the egg, because the chicken must of hatched out of something, mustn’t it of? Hang about. Something must of laid that egg what the chicken hatched out of in the first place, though. Yes. In that case, obviously it was the chicken what came first. Glad we sorted that out.”

TIM HENMAN, Wimbledon hill man

“You might think that because of my surname - Henman that I would favour the chicken in this classic poser, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. Ever since I can remember I’ve believed the egg to predate the chicken. I base this on the possibilit­y that when humans first discovered chickens, around five hundred years or so ago, that there was probably a tiny, dusty old egg that had rolled under a cupboard that they hadn’t seen.”

RISHI SUNAK, Prime Minister

“People I meet aren’t interested in what came first, the chicken or the egg. They are concerned about the things we are tackling in our five pledges – to halve inflation, grow the economy, reduce debt, cut NHS waiting lists and… sorry… I can’t remember the last one. Something about boats.”

KATIE HOPKINS, controvers­ial columnist

“I don’t like eggs or chickens, so I’m not bothered which came first. In fact I hate chickens so much I think they should all be killed. And not humanely, either, but as slowly and cruelly as possible. That might be an unfashiona­ble view, but I don’t care. How do you like them apples?”

CLIFF RICHARD, Calendar star

“I would have to say that both came first since God created both of them on the same day. Although I suppose He would have had to have made one of them first, in which case I reckon it would have probably been the egg because He’d have wanted something filling for breakfast before a busy day’s creating.”

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