Penny Mordaunt MP


LENNY SAYS: “She presumably makes a pretty ‘penny’ from her role as a Conservati­ve front bencher, but if PENNY MORDAUNT ever fancied a change of career, I reckon she’d make a cracking stewardess on my hypothetic­al airline.

Her show-stealing turn as the official Big Sword Carrier at King Charles’s coronation proved not only that she looks bang tidy in an air stewardess­type outfit, but that she also possesses calm, balance and grace under pressure. In front of 18 million viewers, the saucepot MP managed to walk in a perfectly straight line without dropping a massive fuck-off metal sabre, so ferrying cups of coffee, tiny packets of peanuts and eyewaterin­gly expensive cheese rolls up and down the aisle of an Airbus would be a piece of piss.

As Leader of the House, Penny engages in public speaking on a daily basis, so explaining how a seatbelt works to fifty-odd people who aren’t really listening would not tax her in the least. And in her role as a top member of parliament, she regularly rebukes the childish shouts and jeers from the Loony Left snowflakes on the Opposition benches, and as such, dealing with a pissed-up stag party en route to Prague would be small potatoes.

Finally, as a former contestant on shit diving gameshow Splash!, Stewardess Penny would also be a boon should the plane have to make an emergency landing on water. Swapping her matching hat ’n’ dress combo for a onepiece bathing suit, the Tory temptress would perform a perfect swan dive into the choppy ocean before calmly guiding her terrified passengers down the evacuation slide.

She was famously appointed Paymaster General in the February 2020 cabinet reshuffle… and I think having Penny as my make-believe stewardess would be a PayMASTER-STROKE!”

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