Holy cinematic drinking vessel balls-ups with

- Mark Commode

= AN EPISODE from season 8 of Game of Thrones is famous for having a Starbucks paper cup in shot on the table next to Daenerys Targaryen, played by EMILIA CLARKE. But this is not the first time a coffee cup mix-up has affected the actor. In the 2019 film Above Suspicion, Clarke plays drug addict Susan Smith who lives with her abusive boyfriend and two daughters in a trailer in Kentucky. In one scene, Smith goes into a branch of Costa and orders a take-out Americano. But when the assistant hands her drink across the counter, instead of being in a paper cup, it’s in a Holy Grail!

= IN THE 1976 film Camelot, RICHARD HARRIS plays the legendary King Arthur, who in one scene is seen seated at his round table surrounded by knights who are all drinking mead from grails. However, the film is set in 510AD, and the grails the knights are drinking from feature a Celtic knot design which does not appear in the archaeolog­ical record until the late 6th century – around 580AD. Facepalm!

= WHEN filming the Last Supper scene in 1965 epic The Greatest Story Ever Told, director GEORGE STEVENS was horrified to realise that the Holy Grail had gone missing from the prop room. A quick-thinking stagehand ran to the set next door where they were filming Ben Hur and borrowed a chalice from Tiberius Caesar’s feast scene. With some clever lighting, and with MAX VON SYDOW who played Jesus covering bits of it with his hand, nobody spotted that the “Holy Grail” was actually a Roman chalice. However, eagle-eyed viewers would have clocked Jesus wearing a digital watch, an absolute howler as the first digital watch was not invented until 1972, a full seven years after the film was made.

= IN ONE scene from 2023 scudflick Council Estate MILFS vol 3, leading lady STORMY DAZE is leaning against a free-standing shelf unit being banged vigorously from behind by actor ROD O’STEEL . The shelves are shaking violently and all the ornaments on them – including a replica chalice – are rattling about. Eventually, the camera closes in as O’Steel withdraws his penis for the money shot. When it zooms out following his ejaculatio­n, we see that the chalice on the shelves has fallen over, and O’Steel is wearing a digital watch on his cock.

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