Wales On Sunday


It’s a miracle Jess and Joe survived their horrific injuries, yesterday the brave couple had the dream wedding

- SION MORGAN Reporter sion.morgan@walesonlin­

ACOUPLE who suffered near-catastroph­ic injuries when their car was hit head-on by another motorist driving without a licence, have miraculous­ly tied the knot, eight months after escaping death.

Jess Mann, 26, managed to march down the aisle yesterday, just weeks after finally being able to walk unaided again following the horror smash.

For husband Joe, 28, it has been an even more arduous road to recovery.

He needed emergency surgery after suffering internal bleeding and needed part of his bowel removed. He also suffered a fractured spine.

The newlyweds, who married in Mold, were hit by a car while travelling through Machynllet­h on their way to join Joe’s family for a holiday in Pembrokesh­ire last May.

In an incredible act of thanks, the pair asked guests at the celebratio­n to donate money to the Wales Air Ambulance rather than buy them a wedding gift, in thanks to the medics who saved their lives.

“Because we were in the middle of f nowhere, an ambulance would not t have got there in time to take us to hospital by road. It would have been n too late,” Jess said.

“Amazingly, the Wales Air Ambulance arrived in 16 minutes.”

“Joe and I were in separate parts s of the hospital and I had to rely onn other people to tell me how he wass doing.

“I still have the photo of when we e were finally allowed to see each other after Joe was well enough following his surgery.

“I was taken by wheelchair to hiss ward and I think we both just felll asleep!

“We didn’t have any of our belongings with us when we arrived at t the hospital.

“We had our dog, Mia, with us inn the car, too.

“One of the police officers took k her home and looked after her overnight while we were in hospital. Wee had no idea at the time.”

Joe added: “We were both in a very serious condition in hospital. I can’t quite believe we were married on the date we originally set two years ago.”

Jess, whose career as a dance teacher has now been cut short, suffered a fractured femur, so her leg was put into a splint and the next day she had a five-hour operation to insert a metal nail to her leg to fix the break.

Four months after surgery she needed a second operation and still has physio sessions.

She is only now slowly learning to walk without support.

“I had to learn to walk again,” she said.

“Technicall­y my leg is still broken as the bones haven’t healed yet.

“I still need to stop to rest often, and it can be painful after being on my feet for a while.”

Joe was in hospital for nine days after initial surgery, after which the pair moved in with their parents, as theyth couldn’tld ’t l look k afterft eachh

“Days later I was still in a great deal of pain in my tummy and I couldn’t eat or drink anything,” Joe said.

“My parents took me back to hospital as things weren’t right.

“It was then they discovered I had a serious infection caused by a blockage in my bowel and I needed treatment straight away.

“My stomach was drained through a tube, which was a really painful and unpleasant experience.

“I was given strong antibiotic­s and spent the next eight days recovering i in hospital.”h it l”

Following the collision William Alfred Roy Williams, 70, of Bron Y Gaer, Llanfyllin, admitted driving without due care and attention, without a licence or insurance and was sentenced at Welshpool Magistrate­s’ Court in January.

Magistrate­s banned him from driving for six months and fined him £120 for driving without due care and attention.

He was ordered to pay £300 compensati­on to the couple, with any other claims coming from the motor insurance bureau.

Williams was also ordered to pay £85 costs and a £30 victim surcharge.

Magistrate­s told the court they had limited powers and the sentence in no way reflected the seriousnes­s of the injuries suffered.

Jess yesterday wore a pair of lacy pearl-coloured trainers with her dress but wore the gold heels she originally planned to wear on her wedding day to walk down the aisle.

She said: “Throughout all of this, the wedding has really kept us going.

“Through all that has happened, Joe was certain he didn’t want to move the date back.

“It was a very emotional day, with lots of special references to the journey we’ve been on to get here.

“We can’t thank the Wales Air Ambulance enough for everything they did to help us.

“Instead of a gift list, we’ve set up a Just Giving page for the charity.

“Staff at Wales Air Ambulance’s Welshpool base recorded a special video message for us, too, to play on the day, which was really emotional.

“Everyone was in tears by the end!”

Jess and Joe have set up a Just Giving page for anyone who wishes to make a donation to the Wales Air Ambulance:­g/ JoeandJess­WeddingReg­istry2017

 ??  ?? Jess and Joe in hospital after the crash
Jess and Joe in hospital after the crash

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