Wales On Sunday


- KATIE SANDS Reporter katie.sands@walesonlin­

D RIVERS are said to be getting confused and hastily moving out of the way of supermarke­t delivery vans. That’s because – at a glance in a rear-view mirror – the Morrisons vehicles have an uncanny resemblanc­e to an ambulance.

The bright yellow frame, green wording and logos on the body of the van match the colour scheme used by the emergency services.

And it’s not just motorists getting them mixed up.

Even paramedics get it wrong, as was the case with Claire Thewlis.

Claire, who works for the Yorkshire Ambulance Service, recently posted the amusing incident on Facebook where she explained she accidental­ly got into a Morrisons van while out on a call.

Fortunatel­y, her crew member Gill Johnston was also on the scene and they were able to avoid any foodbased medical mishap.

Similar incidents in Wales haven’t come to light yet but Morrisons confirmed their vehicles deliver in Wales from Colwyn Bay down to Cardiff.

Specialist paramedic Tom Pullen, who works in the South East, said the supermarke­t’s vehicles are a constant source of comedy.

“It’s a running joke across all UK ambulance services,” he said.

“We always wave to colleagues whenever we drive past each other at work. The amount of times we have waved at a Morrisons van thinking it is another ambulance!

“Also, many friends have said they have pulled over to let a Morrisons van past, thinking it was going to an emergency.”

Social media users have reported being worried after seeing an ambulance at a neighbour’s home, only to realise it is a delivery van; and pulling over for the Morrisons vehicles because they think they’re emergency services on their way to a call-out.

The Welsh Ambulance Service has issued some advice over what to look out for if you’re ever left wondering if it’s a delivery behind you, or an emergency call-out.

David Holmes, fleet manager for the Welsh Ambulance Service, said: “If you’re constantly mistaking food vans for our ambulances, then the best way to tell the difference is actually to look out for Battenburg.

“The distinctiv­e green and yellow markings can be found on all our vehicles and, of course, most significan­tly, the blue lights.

“If you’re out on the roads you should always be alert to look and listen for ambulances using flashing blue lights and/or sirens.

“If you see one of our crews approachin­g on an emergency call then please don’t panic. Take appropriat­e action to let them pass, while complying with all traffic signs and, if necessary, pull to the side of the road and stop in a safe place.”

A spokesman for Morrisons declined to comment.

 ??  ?? A Morrisons van next to an ambulance – a paramedic in England got into the wrong one by mistake
A Morrisons van next to an ambulance – a paramedic in England got into the wrong one by mistake

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