Wales On Sunday


- THOMAS DEACON Reporter thomas.deacon@walesonlin­

THESE are the powerful images that show the beautiful and brutal reality of life on a Welsh farm. Jac Williams, originally from near Llangollen, spent months documentin­g his family’s farm in Glyndyfrdw­y.

The series, Honest Agricultur­e, was part of Jac’s studies at the Anglia Ruskin University in Cambridge.

The collection offers a glimpse into the real world of farming and has since won the esteemed LPA Graduate Award for the best photograph­y series.

The 22-year-old explained that the inspiratio­n for the photograph­s came as a way of explaining his own background to fellow students.

Jac said: “Until I started discussing it with people who weren’t from a rural background I didn’t realise how little appreciati­on and understand­ing there was of Britain’s farms, particular­ly small family run farms, which are worked all year round.”

He added: “I was keen to document the culture I grew up with and, hopefully, winning this award can help me to share this with an even larger audience.

“That was when there was the spark of ‘actually this could be something really interestin­g to other people.’.”

While he was taking the photograph­s for the project, Jac explained that he would continue to work on the farm.

Jac said: “Having the camera and the photograph­s is more like an accessory of the work.

“The camera was just something extra I would have on me at all times.”

Despite the project maybe sometimes getting in the way, Jac said his dad felt it was worth it.

He said: “There are moments where my dad said I was in the way but when he saw the photograph­s he said he was really glad I took them.”

Jac described the culture shock of moving hundreds of miles away to begin his BA course in photograph­y at university.

He said: “Honestly it’s just so flat here [in Cambridge] – the highest thing off the ground is probably a mole hill.

“I have never lived in a densely populated place, which was a bit strange at first. But I am hoping to find more people to speak Welsh with.”

Jac added: “Before I came to Cambridge I hated farming and the outdoors.

“But after coming back for Christmas and holidays I started to really appreciate it.

“I don’t necessaril­y want to be a farmer but I do appreciate it.”

Jac has now finished his course and will graduate in October.

His project discussed both history and climate change in the farming sector in North Wales, looking particular­ly at the impact of Brexit on smallscale farming.

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