Wales On Sunday


The 28-year-old campaigner died leaning from a train window – now her devastated dad opens his heart on her outstandin­g legacy:

- THOMAS DEACON Reporter thomas.deacon@walesonlin­

THE father of a “heroic” campaigner killed as she leaned out of a train window says he is comforted by knowing his beloved daughter “knew she was loved”.

Charity worker Adrian Roper described his 28-year-old daughter Bethan Roper as a “unique” activist who had a “love for life”.

Bethan, from Penarth, died on a Great Western Railway train near Twerton in Bath as she returned from a Christmas shopping trip with friends on December 1.

It is thought she was leaning out of the window of a train door when she was struck by a tree or branch as the train travelled at 85mph.

Two months on from the tragedy her father has spoken publicly for the first time about his daughter’s passion for fighting injustice, coping with her sudden death, and how her family and friends plan to continue her legacy.

Speaking in Cardiff, Mr Roper said: “Myself and the family could not be more proud of her. She followed the causes of her heart and lived the fullest and truest of lives, never wasting a second.

“I sometimes feel it’s like something deep down within her knew that her time might be limited so that she absolutely made sure that she lived life to the full and didn’t waste a single talent or second.”

Describing his daughter, 63-yearold Mr Roper said the word going through his mind in recent weeks had been “unique”.

He said: “She loved people. That thing about having so many friends, so many of them have said how thoughtful she was, how much of a rock she was, how they could turn to her for advice or a pick-me-up. In terms of ‘to hell with being down, let’s go out to a club or let’s go to the beach’.

“She was just amazing in her love for life and for the people around her.”

He added: “One of her email titles was ‘The Real Silent Hero’ and that’s what she was. She was strong, she was silent in the sense of not blowing her trumpet about anything. A listener as much as a talker and absolutely heroic in everything she did. A unique human being whose memory and spirit will live on.”

Throughout her life Mr Roper said his daughter, who received a first class honours degree in politics and history from Cardiff Metropolit­an University, was a committed activist who believed in changing what she felt was “wrong with the world”.

A long-time supporter, volunteer and then worker for the Welsh Refugee Council, Bethan was also chair of the Cardiff West branch of the Socialist Party.

Mr Roper said: “She couldn’t say no to anybody in need of help and when she died so many people were utterly distraught within the Welsh Refugee Council that they actually closed the office for a week which is just an amazing demonstrat­ion of how much she was not just valued but loved by everybody there.

“But it was more than one passion for Beth. Perhaps on the back of her reading and studying she had a global perspectiv­e and she was very concerned about the things that are threatenin­g the well-being of human beings and life itself.

“She had a very critical view of the global capitalist regime where so much human activity is driven by self-interest and trying to make profits and oppressing workers and others.

“She ended up joining the Socialist Party and became the chair of the Cardiff West branch. She might have been partying on the Friday night, but come Saturday morning she’d be out in the rain handing out leaflets defending the NHS.

“She was also very concerned about global warming and was campaignin­g on that and raising awareness about the way human beings are behaving so self-destructiv­ely.”

Mr Roper, chief executive of charity Cartrefi Cymru, said he hoped his daughter’s activism would continue to shape people’s decisions and admitted it was already having an impact on his own outlook.

He said: “She was the sort of person that would not pass by a homeless person sat on the street.

“I can’t say I’ve always been sufficient­ly sympatheti­c to someone sat shivering on the street to stop, talk, and help them but she always was. And now I find it much harder to walk past without getting my purse out because I know that’s what she would have done.

“I’m pretty sure that it’s not just me but hundreds of people who are now shaping their decisions in life because of the impact of knowing Beth.

“I don’t know anyone like her – she was utterly unique.”

Describing her as a keen reader, traveller and lover of music and festivals, Mr Roper said he knew as soon as she was born that his daughter was special.

“She just had it in her soul right from the day she was a baby. There was something wise about the look of her when I held her for the first time as a baby and that never went away.

“So it led naturally in the direction of enquiry, reading, thinking, studying, going to college, caring about people and being deeply involved with them – I think her magic was in her from the start and then she nurtured it.”

Mr Roper said some of his fondest memories with his daughter were their holidays together, with the most memorable being a trip to Scotland in the week running up to the Scottish independen­ce referendum in 2014.

He said: “We were very sympatheti­c to the yes campaign. We had a brilliant time in a pub on the Isle of Skye – a pub that had rebranded itself the ‘Yes Pub’.

“But we went wandering up in the mountains of Skye, following lonely rivers past Stone Age dwellings, and we just enjoyed each other’s company so much.

“We could talk about anything and we loved each other to bits. Those memories are very, very precious to me and tend to be where I go when I’m reflecting on her.”

Now, in the aftermath of the tragedy, Mr Roper said continuing to maintain his daughter’s positivity was helping him deal with the darker moments. He said: “Personally I’m finding it helpful to be back in work and following her instructio­ns, if you like, to keep being positive and to love life and to take the opportunit­ies that we have to enjoy ourselves – even though the world might end in 50 years, which she sometimes worried might be the case. “It was not easy. Initially just meeting people who wanted to be sympatheti­c was harrowing, but the more you do it the easier it gets. “I obviously still have very, very sad moments. It’s hard to think about those happy times in Scotland and know that we can never have them again. “But life must go on. And it has been helpful to receive love and support from people who know how we feel because they lost a child a year ago or 10 years ago and they have promised that it does get easier. “The hole in your life will never go away, but you grow a happy life around that sadness and I’m working on that.”

Mr Roper said the last time he saw his daughter was around a day or two before she died.

He said: “It was just a normal ‘Hey, I’m off out now Dad’ type of moment with no particular significan­ce to it but I’m just so glad that I know she knew she was loved and we knew that we were loved – so no regrets.”

Bethan was on board the London Paddington to Exeter service while returning to Penarth from a Christmas shopping trip with friends when she died.

After the incident Mr Roper said he first heard the news was when the family were informed by the police.

He said: “Two poor young policemen had to call around the house and perform one of their hardest duties but they did it sensitivel­y. For us it was just horrible – the worst moment in any parent’s life.”

Bethan’s family and friends now plan to continue her campaignin­g and work through two newly-created trusts.

The Bethan Roper Trust for Refugees and the Bethan Roper Trust for Let Sharks B – a reference to the nickname “B” her friends called her – will soon start work on two of her most passionate causes.

Even in their infancy Mr Roper said around £3,000 had already been raised ready to start their work.

He said: “Her best friend and two of her closest colleagues from her refugee work and myself decided quite early on after she died that it would help us to take her memory forward, and also to keep that momentum of delivering on her own passions and commitment­s, if we set up a trust.

“We had to pick what it was for and she was passionate about so many things that we had to make a decision and we decided we would focus on refugees and on shark conservati­on.

“The original idea was to have the Bethan Roper Trust with two purposes but we’ve only recently decided it would make more sense to have two small charities, because they are such different purposes.”

He added: “I’m sure she would be absolutely delighted at what we are doing. I think she would also want to make sure that we have fun while we do it – that it’s not a dull cold duty and there’s lot’s of partying and laughter involved.”

At the time of her death Mr Roper said his daughter had several plans including more travelling, further education, and a potential move to South Africa.

Through her work with a shark conservati­on project Bethan had visited the country four times and thought South Africa “was the best place in the world, with Wales a rainy second”.

Mr Roper said: “Beth still had plenty of plans. She loved her travelling – she’d seen half the world but she wanted to see the other half.

“Mexico was next so I don’t know if in the spirit of trying to fulfill her ambitions I’ll end up going to Mexico with some of her friends but I would love that if that could happen.”

Donations to either of the charitable trusts can currently be made through Cartrefi Cymru.

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Adrian Roper with his daughter Bethan
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