Wales On Sunday



Aries March 21–April 20

A colleague or relative’s attitude towards you is giving you cause for complaint. Complain loudly. They are taking advantage of your kindness while making you feel inadequate. You are talented and no one should be benefittin­g from your skills while making it seem as if they are helping you.

For more call 0905 789 4271 (80p/min + network access charge)

Taurus April 21 – May 21

Someone who has had a big influence over a team has led you all in the wrong direction. Their advice will have seemed good at the time. It will now turn out they weren’t as skilled or knowledgea­ble as they’d made out. This group needs new energy and a fresh approach to inspire.

For more call 0905 789 4272 (80p/min network access + charge)

Gemini May 22 –June 21

You can’t blame someone for taking the opposite line to everyone else if they feel so strongly about something. What you can do is insist that your life is your own and it is your prerogativ­e to make your own decisions. Give extra care and attention to financial matters.

For more call 0905 789 4273 (80p/min network access + charge)

Cancer June 22 –July 23

Take a break from jobs that have been claiming all your attention. Taking a step back will be a good way to take a detached view. Before making an important decision, listen carefully to points others make. You’re impressed with some results but can see where improvemen­ts can be made.

For more call 0905 789 4274 (80p/min + network access charge)

Leo July 24 – August 23

You aren’t a failure for asking for help when you need it. Accepting some support will make you less tense and nervous. This might also get you thinking about other things you might do to promote a healthier lifestyle. After considerin­g a recent event you have a lot of questions.

For more call 0905 789 4275 (80p/min network access + charge)

Virgo Aug 24 – Sept 23

You are more sensitive to other people’s feelings these days. You have good insight into what friends and loved ones are feeling and you will make joint plans with their needs in mind. Are you single? Every time you and someone you recently met see each other, life gets better.

For more call 0905 789 4276 (80p/min + network access charge)

Libra Sept 24–Oct 23

Share your ideas for improving work procedures.

The only way you will know if they can work is to try them out. Someone in a position of power will be enthusiast­ic about your ideas. Not only will they be implemente­d immediatel­y but they could work better than anticipate­d.

For more call 0905 789 4277 (80p/min + network access charge)

Scorpio Oct 24 – Nov 22

A target will be reached. Money for a group or a certain community project will be raised. People are over the moon. You still feel you are going to wake up as it is hard to believe this has happened finally. You should feel proud that you played a big part in this venture.

For more call 0905 789 4278 (80p/min network access + charge)

Sagittariu­s Nov 23 – Dec 21

You want to thoroughly make the most of your off-duty hours. You really do deserve a break and if anyone else thinks otherwise they don’t appreciate all you have been doing for them of late. Choices and decisions you are making now should give you a lot more independen­ce.

For more call 0905 789 4279 (80p/min + network access charge)

Capricorn Dec 22 –Jan 20

Life has suddenly become fast-moving and rather exciting. You have to make some very quick decisions and you know that you are making the right ones as well. High levels of intuition will also help you make giant leaps of progress where your main aims are concerned.

For more call 0905 789 4280 (80p/min + network access charge)

Aquarius Jan 21 – Feb 19

Failure has never been an option for you. A project that has been so important to you and a team of talented people that you have made it all happen. You always knew this would be a success but what you hadn’t expected was how quick it all has happened. You all deserve praise.

For more call 0905 789 4281 (80p/min network access + charge)

Pisces Feb 20 – Mar 20

You really enjoy working behind the scenes but this is starting to make you feel out of touch with all that is going on in your world. You are restless now to take on new roles and new commitment­s.

Tie up loose ends in readiness for the new starts you hope to be making.

For more call 0905 789 4282 (80p/min network access + charge)

Calls cost 80p per minute plus your telephone company’s network access charge – maximum of 5 minutes duration. You must be over 18 and have the bill payer’s permission. Service provider Spoke. Helpline 0333 202 3390

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