Wales On Sunday


But podcaster Cullan has turned his life around

- RYAN O’NEILL Rugby Reporter Ryan.oneill@walesonlin­

IN August last year, Cullan Mais was lying in a hospital bed in the respirator­y ward of the University Hospital of Wales, Cardiff, hooked up to a drip and unable to walk. He had been taken in with sepsis and pneumonia just days before his 29th birthday thanks to the obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) that had plagued him for his entire life.

“I always thought I was gonna die when I was 28. I don’t know why, but my OCD would tell me I’d have to do certain things or I’d die when I was 28,” he explained to me from his new podcast studio in Cardiff.

“My birthday is August 8 and I went into hospital six days before my 29th birthday last year. I really thought I was going to die before I turned 29, and then here I was going into hospital days before my birthday. I thought ‘I’ve got to turn my life around’.”

Ever since he was a child Cullan had suffered with severe OCD and anxiety. Rather than seeking help, he kept his struggles hidden away, eventually leading to a crack and heroin addiction, shopliftin­g thousands of pounds’ worth of items around the UK and spending time in prison.

And it wasn’t until that day, lying in a hospital bed surrounded by sick people much older than him, that Cullan realised he needed to change.

Originally from Fairwater, Cardiff, Cullan said he had “everything [he] ever wanted” growing up with his parents and younger brother.

“My dad used to run sports for us. He used to drive a mini-bus and if it was a nice day he’d take us to the beach, 30 kids in the back. He ran my brother’s football team, so we’d always have footballs and stuff in the car. Whatever I needed as a kid to play, I had it. We had great relationsh­ips.”

Despite his happy home life, Cullan said he was always a worrisome, “homesick” child and couldn’t stay away from his family for long periods: “If my dad was at work at night I’d be worried. If I went to my mate’s house I’d come home at 9pm crying. In year 7 I went to Llangranno­g with my high school, and the first night there I’m ringing my mum and dad saying I want to come home.”

Cullan said his anxiety and OCD, which he has suffered from since he was a child, played off each other.

“I always had OCD with things like the volume of things, the light switches – so when I had this worry on top of it, they kind of clashed,” he said.

“They were fighting each other, and I’d think I’d have to do certain things to make sure my anxiety was eased. If my mum and dad were on holiday, it’d be in my head that the plane was going to crash.

“I’ve had so many dodgy rituals. When I was working behind a bar one time, I had a thing where I had to drink a glass of vodka on shift, otherwise the plane was going to crash and my family would die. That kind of stuff. At school everyone thought I was this cool, funny, jokey kid – but I had anxiety.”

Even during his later stints in prison Cullan’s OCD would play up, and he’d have to check the news if his family were on holiday.

“I’d be in prison and they’d go on holiday and I’d be checking on the news at 8 o’clock in the morning that no planes had crashed.

“It could be anything. It could be spin around 10 times, anything. They just come into my head. It’s like a God telling me what to do. I’d be walking down the street and see someone and think ‘I’ve got to go up to him and slightly tap him or something, or something bad will happen.’

“It was just mad. For years growing up I’d have four baths a day, brush my teeth 10 times a day. I’d come into the shower and have to go back in 10 minutes later. I’d go through whole packs of wet wipes.

“I lost countless jobs for being late because of all the rituals I’d have to complete before leaving the house. But I suppressed it, I never spoke to anyone about it, and drugs really masked those anxieties for me.”

Cullan started smoking weed with his friends as a teen and although it was recreation­al at first, it quickly became something more serious as he went from being worried about his parents finding out – eating chewing gum and spraying his clothes before coming home from school – to smoking it at home.

“I found I was addicted to weed, I wasn’t doing it for enjoyment any more,” he said,

Although he’d always been an avid sportsman, from rugby to football and baseball, once Cullan left school he started hanging around on the housing estates.

“I thought I wanted to be this hard man, you know. Cocaine, cannabis, pills – these things are the norm on streets in the UK. You can get it like that [he clicks his fingers], it’s easy.”

Cullan started hanging around with drug dealers, and noticed the people around him smoking crack didn’t conform to his idea of a typical heavy drugs user.

“They weren’t just your stereotypi­cal guy on the street, begging, no shoes. I’m seeing people with nice clothes, cars, chains, a missus, a house, smoking it on the sly. I thought ‘it’s not like the films’. I thought ‘I can take it and still have all this?’”

But smoking crack exacerbate­d Cullan’s OCD, which was part of the reason he tried smoking heroin for the first time.

“Crack is a stimulant and so it made my OCD worse. So one day I’m in a flat and people are smoking and someone said ‘ have a puff of this’. I had some and it felt funny, and they said it had gear in it. They said ‘it’ll bring you down, make you more mellow and less paranoid’. Although I knew what heroin was, these people seemed to be coping fine. So I took it. I couldn’t believe the buzz. My anxiety and OCD just disappeare­d.”

Cullan started taking heroin more regularly and by the time he turned 20 he was smoking it every day. Even spells trying to get clean failed.

“I’ve done countless cold turkeys. I went up to my nan’s in Northampto­n [to try to get clean] and within ten minutes I was scoring drugs up there. I just wasn’t ready, because I knew getting off it I’d feel the way I did before. At least, that’s what was in my head.”

Cullan said his addiction caused him to become alienated from his friends and family: “My friendship­s went out the window. People are talking, and you don’t want to see them anyway.

“It’s guilt because you know you’re doing something wrong, and I didn’t want to face my friends. My family kind of knew about it but it took them a while to confront me.

“It affected me with jobs. I thought I could control it at that stage. I thought I was the dog’s b******s and could beat it, and at first I looked fine and could blag it.”

But as he began to run out of money and struggled to hold down jobs, Cullan began to shoplift: “I had to make money other ways. My mum and dad weren’t going to lend me money anymore because they knew I was on drugs. I thought ‘I can’t ask other people for money and live my life bumming. I can’t get a job because I’m incapable of working’. So I became a shoplifter.”

Cullan began to get by through

“I lost countless jobs for being late because of all the rituals I’d have to complete before leaving the house


selling stolen items - “Yankee candles, alcohol, clothes - whatever I could sell” and began getting in trouble with the law.

After multiple warnings he said he “ran out of lives” and served his first prison sentence for ten months from 2012 to 2013. Even then, he said he “couldn’t wait” to get out to take drugs again.

“My partner at the time booked a nice hotel but I just wanted to score. I ended up spending my first night out [of prison] smoking crack and heroin. In my heart I wanted to come off [drugs], but in my head I knew I wouldn’t. You always think you can have one go and stop, but you can’t.”

Cullan said he ended up in prison “every other year” after as he became a known shoplifter across Wales and the UK.

He admitted he was stealing “in the thousands” and was even called a “profession­al shoplifter” the last time he went to prison.

“From Lands End to Brecon, there wasn’t a village I didn’t hit,” he said about the height of his offending.

“I used to go to Jo Malone’s and nick the candles, aftershave and things like that. I was ruthless. I’d have £500 a day from shopliftin­g, and the next morning I’d be asking my mum for a fag.

“I was spending it to the penny. I’d take the crack but I’d start getting anxious, the OCD would come back, so I’d take the heroin to stop that. It was always a partnershi­p.”

Eventually it was a host of events which prompted Cullan to change his life. The morning after he’d been out shopliftin­g with a friend during the first lockdown, Cullan got a call to say the friend had died. The following day, Cullan was rushed to hospital with sepsis and pneumonia. He contracted Covid-19 around the same time and said he was “really in a bad place” for weeks.

“I had sepsis, pneumonia, Covid and was coming off methadone, all at the same time” he said.

“I was on the oxygen, with two drips in each arm – antibiotic­s, vitamins – and I was out of it. My lungs felt like they were exploding or on fire. It felt like someone was stabbing me. I couldn’t walk for two and half weeks, couldn’t eat. I thought I was going to die.

“When I first woke up it felt like someone was suffocatin­g me, I was crying. I blacked out a few times. They were trying to draw the infection out of my back with a syringe.

“While I was in my hospital bed I had a tag on, two suspended sentences and another court date. I looked around me and it was all these elderly people, and I’m 29 looking in the same state they are.

“I thought ‘I can’t do this any more. I can’t go to prison again.’ I was striking a decade of being on drugs, and I was ready to change. I’ve never looked back.”

Cullan has since accepted his past actions but admitted how he justified it to himself at the time: “I know what I did was wrong – but I always justified it by saying if I don’t steal off anyone personally, sell drugs myself or steal from small, independen­t businesses, shopliftin­g was fine. I understand now what I did was wrong. But that was how I justified it to myself back then.”

Now 10 months clean, Cullan has turned his life around and is hoping to use his experience­s to help others. He has been volunteeri­ng as a peer mentor for Cardiff and Vale with Kaleidosco­pe, a charity based in Newport.

He is launching a podcast, The Central Club, this weekend where he’ll be inviting guests from the world of comedy, music, politics and more on to talk about their lives and mental health, as well as spreading the word about his own experience­s.

The first episode will be released at 8pm this evening and it will be released weekly.

“There are very few who come out of crack, heroin and methadone, I know that,” he said.

“I’m never going to turn my back on it and pretend I never took heroin. I want to help people, because there are so many who are on drugs because of mental health or their upbringing.

“Some of the people on drugs are the funniest, most talented, goodlookin­g people I’ve ever seen. I want to be an advocate for those people. Because I know I was as bad as any of them when I was on drugs.”

It was through his appearance on a friend’s podcast that prompted him to launch The Central Club.

“I got so many messages of support both from people I knew and others I didn’t know about my story. That and the experience I’ve had with drugs really pushed me to do a podcast.”

Cullan also met a girl during lockdown who he said has been a major factor in helping his recovery.

“I think some people come into your life for a reason, and I believe she came into my life to help me turn my life around. She was there for me,” he said.

As well as spreading hope for anyone suffering with addiction and mental health issues through his podcast, Cullan hopes to continue volunteeri­ng and eventually get a job helping drug workers in the future.

“It’ll take a long time and hard work, but I’m really excited about it,” he said about the podcast.

“I’m not looking to make loads of money off it – if I can get sponsorshi­p or a grant to help with equipment etc, so I don’t have to pay out of my own pocket, that’s great. I want my podcast to be a platform in Wales for people.”

He added that he often gets little reminders of how he has changed in the past year, which seem a world away from his old life.

“I bought a pastie in Greggs the other day. I hadn’t had a hot meal there in about 10 years,” he said jokingly. “I’d normally be hiding the cold baguettes in my jacket.”

Cullan was also part of Kaleidosco­pe’s recent pilot scheme for Buvidal, a novel injection treatment for opiate addiction.

Although he said the treatment has worked for him, he is eager to stress it isn’t for everyone.

“Buvidal worked for me and I’ve put my life together, but it’s not a silver bullet and I’d never say it will work for everyone. You’ve got be ready, because it changes everything and your head suddenly becomes clear. Not everyone is ready for that clarity of mind.

“It’s worked for me because I know I will never go back to drugs. I don’t even smoke weed. I like a coffee during the week and a lager on the weekend, I never abused alcohol. I’m fortunate that I still have a social life. Who wants more than that?”

I loved it not just because of the buzz, but because of how it took away my anxiety and OCD CULLAN MAIS

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ROB BROWNE Cullan Mais has turned his life around after being in prison and recovering from drug addiction

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