Wanderlust Travel Magazine (UK)




Vital statistics

Capital: Cairo

Population: 101m

Language(s): Arabic

Time: GMT +2

Internatio­nal dialling code: +20 Visas: (UK nationals) required and obtainable from visa2egypt.gov. E-visas are valid for a maximum of three months. Alternativ­ely, visas granted on arrival are valid for a maximum of 30 days.

Money: Egyptian pound (E£). Currently around E£20.83 to the UK£.

When to go

March to April (with lows of 13°C and highs of 29°C in Cairo) and October to November (with lows of 15°C and highs of 30°C). These short shoulder seasons are when you’ll get the most comfortabl­e temperatur­es so less sweating during sightseein­g. There are also smaller crowds and lower hotel rates most days of the week.

Health & safety

No vaccinatio­ns are required, though Hepatitis A + B, typhoid, yellow fever and the tetanus, diphtheria and polio 3-in-1 are recommende­d. Cairo is among the areas considered safe for travel, but check FCO advice.

Getting there & around

Egypt Air (egyptair.com) fly direct from London Heathrow to Cairo. Flight time is around 4 hours and 40 mins; return fare from £258. The best way to get around town is the metro: efficient, cheap and not too crowded (if you miss rush hour). You can even get to Giza this way. Otherwise take a taxi: rates start at E£2.50 (approximat­ely 12p) and a 10% tip is very much appreciate­d. Uber operate in Cairo.

Cost of travel

Egypt is inexpensiv­e, with costs for food, accommodat­ion and transport being comparativ­ely low. Even if you travel everywhere by taxi and eat in the very best restaurant­s, you’ll be hard pushed to spend any more than £60 a day.


The author stayed at the Four Seasons in Cairo (fourseason­s. com). Located in the heart of the city, the five-star hotel has panoramic views over the Nile. Doubles from $225 (£173).

Further reading & informatio­n

Pharaohs and Pyramids (Anthony Allan, 1997). egypt.travel – official site

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