Wanderlust Travel Magazine (UK)


Sharks, sea planes and sun cream. Reader Glen Neilson and his wife, Lyn, explore island life and underwater wonders in Mauritius…


The highlight: Having the opportunit­y to spend a day on a private island – or what was actually more of a sand bar in the middle of the ocean with just a cooler full of cold soft drinks, sun tan cream and diving equipment. It really was a Robinson Crusoe moment that I will never forget.

Must see: Abolutely not to be missed is the diving and snorkellin­g in the pristine waters and the opportunit­y to swim with sea turtles, manta rays and sharks. My wife Lyn was slightly nervous after a 6ft black tip shark kept circling us, but the sharks were more nervous of us than we were of them.

Top Tip: Always try to go on an organised divers’ trip first before entering the water yourself, even if it’s a classroom demonstrat­ion as it makes a massive difference knowing what to look for underwater and what to avoid.

Cautionary Tale: The power of the sun can be very deceptive even on a cloudy day and especially with the added reflection from the white sands and turquoise waters. I’d recommend always wearing 50+ sunscreen and a rash vest when in the water.

I wish I’d known… That you can volunteer to go on free eco tours by qualified guides around the islands. On the tours you learn about looking out for signs of global warming and what you can do to try and help. They also highlight the world’s plastic pollution problem.

Anything else? Don’t worry about travelling in a seaplane as it was a brilliant experience albeit a very cramped one. Even in choppy water the landing is a lot smoother than you might think.


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