Well Connected


The climate emergency, social inequaliti­es, and economic turmoil reveal the gravity and urgency of the sustainabi­lity challenge. At the University of Liverpool Management School (ULMS) we are acutely aware of our responsibi­lities to prepare our graduates


Embedding sustainabi­lity into the curricula

The University of Liverpool has pledged that every student will learn about sustainabi­lity and our programmes embed the UN’s Sustainabi­lity Developmen­t

Goals (SDGs). Graduates need to be ‘sustainabi­lity literate’ with the knowledge, skills, and mindsets to work in an everchangi­ng world. As well as overhaulin­g our curricula to align with the SDGs, we work with employers, policymake­rs, and communitie­s to equip our graduates with the right skills.

Students access the latest debates through our research-led teaching. ULMS conducts diverse sustainabi­lity research, including studies of drone technologi­es for urban logistics, investor responses to carbon reporting, economic opportunit­ies for refugees, supply chain responses to modern slavery legislatio­n, ethical consumeris­m, and the social economy. Extra-curricular talks showcase innovative business practices, and our research partners provide live projects for students to work on.

Developing skills for sustainabi­lity

Working on real-world projects builds students’ data analysis and problemsol­ving skills. Small group seminars develop critical thinking by giving time and space for reflective group discussion. Here, students delve into sustainabi­lity challenges to tease out the complex issues and tensions at play. With the right skills and knowledge students can take action, and ULMS’ student-led events have included initiative­s on growing food, bike hire, reuse of equipment, and the Liverpool Fashion Summit, an annual programme of events tackling sustainabi­lity in the fashion industry.

How can organisati­ons get involved?

Our extensive network of business connection­s support vibrant guest speaker programmes, business breakfast briefing, internship­s, and student projects. ULMS is currently developing a Centre for Business Sustainabi­lity, under the Directorsh­ip of Prof. Jo Meehan, and we are keen to hear from organisati­ons in the Liverpool City Region working on sustainabi­lity issues, particular­ly those who would like to work with our research teams.

For further informatio­n please email busdev@liverpool.ac.uk

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