West Lothian Courier

Postal votes arrive


Postal voters in West Lothian should look out for their European Union referendum ballot paper coming through their door.

Anyone who was been approved for a postal vote before May 13 should receive their postal vote around today (Thursday).

Follow the guidance with the ballot paper and return it as soon as possible.

You can still apply for a postal vote until 5pm on Wednesday, June 8. Anyone who applied after May should receiving their postal vote around Monday, June 13.

Any postal voters who will be away from their home over the next few weeks and unable to vote by post should consider appointing a proxy to vote in their place.

The deadline for applying for a non-emergency proxy vote is Wednesday, June 15, at 5pm.

To apply for a postal or proxy vote download the form from www.lothian-vjb. gov.uk/downloads or contact the Lothian Valuation Joint Board’s electoral registrati­on office on enquiries@lothian-vjb. gov.uk or 0131 344 2500.

West Lothian’s returning officer Graham Hope said: “Make sure you follow the instructio­ns carefully and return your ballot paper as soon as possible.”

To register to vote visit www.gov.uk/ register-to- vote and have your National Insurance number ready.

Unlike the recent Scottish independen­ce referendum and Scottish parliament­ary elections, 16 and 17-year-olds will not be able to vote in the EU referendum.

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