West Lothian Courier

Warning as pensioner is targeted by conmen

Irish scammers defraud OAP out of over £1000

- Eddie Harbinson

Gardening scammers have conned a Linlithgow pensioner out of over £1000.

Three men, described as having Irish accents, attended the man’s home in Lennox Gardens on Sunday, August 21, Monday, August 22 and Thursday, August 25.

They claimed to have carried out extensive gardening work at the property and defrauded the man, in his eighties, of a fourfigure sum.

On two occasions, the brazen conmen drove the victim to the bank in a grey Transit- type vehicle to withdraw money.

Detective Constable Craig Waddell of Livingston CID said: “We’re appealing for anyone who may have informatio­n which can help with this investigat­ion to come forward as soon as possible.

“Always be wary of unexpected callers and contact a trusted friend or police if you’re unsure or are made to feel pressured.”

The first suspect is said to be white, in his thirties, of slim build, with short brown hair. He was wearing blue jeans and a dark jacket.

A second suspect is described as white, in his forties, of stout build, with receding hair. He was wearing jeans and a denim jacket.

The third suspect is also described as white, in his thirties, well built, with short dark hair. He was wearing all dark clothing.

DC W addell added: “Perpetrato­rs of doorstep crime often target people that they perceive to be the most vulnerable in our communitie­s.

“I’d also encourage everyone to urge elderly friends, family and neighbours to remain vigilant when a caller offers to carry out work on their home.”

Anyone with informatio­n is urged to contact Police Scotland on 101 or contact Crimestopp­ers anonymousl­y on 0800 555 111.

 ??  ?? Police appeal Officers need help to trace conmen.
Police appeal Officers need help to trace conmen.

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