West Lothian Courier

Call to help older people


Dear Editor

At Action on Elder Abuse Scotland, we were appalled but not surprised to read your story about the older person who was forced to walk home from hospital in slippers at 3am.

The 74-year-old grandmothe­r, Barbara Hazzard, had to make her own way home after telling staff at St John’s Hospital in Livingston that she’d been rushed there without any money and didn’t have family who could pick her up. She later said she’d been terrified for her safety and thankfully was picked up by police.

NHS Lothian now has serious questions to answer about its approach to patient welfare.

But, unfortunat­ely, the story is symptomati­c of a much wider problem of ‘institutio­nal ageism’ in our society.

The suffering of older people is routinely ignored and taken less seriously than that of any other age group.

This is borne out by appallingl­y low conviction rates for crimes against older people, with few cases ever reaching court.

That’s why Action on Elder Abuse operates a helpline in Scotland to give a voice to those who are suffering from neglect or abuse.

Anyone concerned about an older person can call 080 8808 8141 to talk to one of our experts for free advice and support.

We are also campaignin­g for abuse of older people to be classed as an aggravated crime, so police and our justice system are forced to take it more seriously.

You can support this campaign by signing our petition at www.petition.parliament.uk (Petition number 132323).

Lesley Carcary Director Action on Elder Abuse Scotland

Have a say over rates

Dear Editor

West Lothian firms must make their voice heard in the official review of the business rates system or risk an £4.9m tax hike.

Former RBS boss Ken Barclay is currently leading a Scottish Government review of the rates system. While we believe that the system needs modernised, we can’t see smaller firms in Bathgate, Linlithgow or West Calder landed with big unaffordab­le bills.

More than 2300 local premises in West Lothian benefited from the Small Business Bonus scheme last year – resulting in £4.9m worth of help.

However, critics say the scheme should be abolished – putting businesses and jobs at risk.

If your business properties have a combined rateable value of £35,000 or less you’re eligible for this rates discount, but for how much longer?

Business owners can let Mr Barclay know how important rates relief is to their business and its future at: www.gov.scot/business rates

Gordon Henderson Federation of Small Businesses

Thanks to blood donors

We would like to thank everyone who helped with the blood donor session when we visited Fauldhouse on Wednesday, August 24.

A total of 65 volunteers offered to give blood and 49 donations were given. There were 12 new donors.

We are grateful for your help.

L Sanderson Donor Services Scottish National Blood Donor Services Lauriston Place Edinburgh

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