West Lothian Courier

new grant schemes to help businesses


new schemes to help boost businesses in West Lothian have been launched.

Companies who are involved in oil and gas sector or who would like to explore export markets and innovation as a way to grow their business could be eligible for support from one of two new West Lothian Economic growth plan (WLEgp) enterprise grant award schemes.

Launching the scheme, executive councillor for Developmen­t and transport and chair of the Enterprise sub group, Cathy Muldoon commented: “We would like local businesses to come forward with proposals to apply for funding from one of the two new schemes which are now open.”

the West programme – winning exports, smart technology - will see an investment of £1 million, which will be used to help more than 40 local companies.

Helping West Lothian firms to export can make them stronger and more sustainabl­e. selling to overseas markets brings additional revenues, necessitat­es new skills and can highlight other selling opportunit­ies. this all helps protect existing jobs and create the capacity for new employment.

the Innovation – beyond oil and gas programme will support local businesses which are part of the supply chain in the oil and gas sector to diversify to ensure their long-term sustainabi­lity. West Lothian firms in this sector are among the most capable and technicall­y-advanced businesses, as well as being some of the highestpay­ing employers.

Councillor Muldoon added: “the Enterprise sub group would like local businesses which are interested in exporting or who are in the oil and gas sector and who want to develop new markets or innovate to come forward.

“awards can be made to help with staff training, innovation or job creation.

“a key is to ensure the sustainabi­lity of the organisati­on and to protect and create new opportunit­ies. there are 25+ firms directly supplying the oil and gas sector. these firms employ approximat­ely 1100 staff. We have a further 70 firms indirectly involved who employ a further 700 staff. these two groups will be the focus of our innovation support.”

any organisati­on who would like more informatio­n about how to apply for funding and the criteria should contact Jim Henderson, business Developmen­t Manager, email: jim. henderson@westlothia­n.gov.uk.”

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