West Lothian Courier

Time to stop voting through cuts


An affordable home that meets the needs of us all and our families is a basic right.

So why is it that a decent home seems so out of reach for far too many of us today? A chronic lack of decent council housing is one fundamenta­l reason. The cost of buying a home and covering a mortgage on meagre wages that don’t even cover the monthly bills is another.

Overpriced sub-standard private rented accommodat­ion and a lack of investment in public housing is unacceptab­le.

In the 21st century, where the wealth of the elite 1% has never been greater, this is an absolute disgrace.

The only way to resolve a worsening affordable housing crisis is public investment.

Investment by the Scottish Government and councils in a massive programme of council house building. For example, 100,000 new council homes in Scotland would transform people’s lives. In addition, rent controls to ensure that any rip-off private landlords are stopped from profiteeri­ng are essential.

Elected councillor­s should be in the frontline of fighting for such a programme of investment.

We need our elected representa­tives to stop voting through cuts to council budgets and fight for a return of the £92 million stolen from West Lothian in the last ten years through austerity

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