West Lothian Courier

Scott is top dad

Father’s Day award

- Debbie Hall

The winner of our Father’s Day Local Hero Award competitio­n, doting dad Scott Walker, has picked up his award and a well deserved £100 Gift Card.

Nomination­s came flooding in when the Courier sent out an appeal recently asking readers why your dad was your Local Hero and the one in particular which caught everyone’s attention was by Scott’s loving children, Kieran (11) and Chloe (9).

Kieran said: “Our dad works very hard as a fork lift driver and starts very early every morning. He plays football with me all the time, he takes my sister to her dance shows and violin lessons every week. We sometimes go camping and our dad makes it so much fun for us – we get to cook marshmallo­ws over the camp fire and then dip them into chocolate.

“My dad also plays Pokemon go with us with our mobile phones, he sometimes drives us around to collect the Pokemon if they are too far away for us to walk and he also plays the Xbox with us. Our dad sometimes cooks us meat on the barbeque and lovely Sunday dinners. Our dad is always a very busy man who also helps our granny and grandad out as they are very old. He never complains and just gets on with things. We both love him so much.”

Scott, said: “I am really touched that my children put me forward for this award – I had absolutely no idea, until I heard I had won. Even my wife Yvonne was in on the secret. Kieran and Chloe are two of the most incredible people in the world who I really do love spending time with, whether it’s playing games, football, taking them to their after school classes or hanging out around the BBQ on a Sunday afternoon – not a day goes past where I don’t feel very lucky and grateful for having them in my life.”

Ashley Bisland, deputy centre director, added: “We are delighted to present Scott Walker with our Father’s Day Local Hero Award.” Courier editor, Marjorie Kerr, added: “Scott sounds like a super dad and thoroughly deserves this award.”

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