West Lothian Courier

Anger at new plans for flight paths

But airport bosses say they have‘rectified mistakes’

- Sean O’Neil

Campaign groups and politician­s have attacked Edinburgh Airport’s plans for new flight paths after the airport published a report on their second consultati­on last week.

The airport admitted that they had made “some mistakes” in the consultati­on process and the report itself showed that of all feedback for flight paths affecting West Lothian, there were more negative responses than positive.

Following the release of the report Gordon Dewar, chief executive of Edinburgh Airport, said: “We acknowledg­e that some mistakes have been made and they have been embarrassi­ng for us but we have learned from and rectified them.

“However, we are confident that they did not impair the overall completene­ss of the consultati­on. We have been open in identifyin­g them and tenacious in our attempts to fix them.”

The findings of the report however ha s p rompted campaigner­s and politician­s to tell Edinburgh Airport to go back to the drawing board with some calling for the idea of new flight paths to be scrapped altogether.

A spokespers­on for campaign group Edinburgh Airport Watch said: “A staggering 52 per cent of responders rejected the proposals yet, astonishin­gly, the airport maintains it will press ahead with further changes to the airspace.

“This is simply not acceptable to communitie­s who continue to dispute that these changes are necessary or justified.”

Fiona Hyslop, SNP MSP for Linlithgow, said: “The figures released by Edinburgh Airport showing more than half of all respondent­s registerin­g negative feedback to Edinburgh Airport’s overall proposals is a clear sign that the airport must do more to engage with local communitie­s and find solutions before taking any proposals to the Civil Aviation Authority.

“The two proposed routes C5 and D0 that affect the town of Winchburgh in my constituen­cy are the most unpopular to West Lothian residents, with the D0 route being the most unpopular route overall.”

Neil Findlay, Labour MSP for Lothian, said: “This consultati­on shows again the depth of feeling against any new flight paths flying over communitie­s in West Lothian.

“I have said all along that there is no need for new flight paths and how the aim of Edinburgh Airport and their owners has always been about fattening up the sale value of the airport no matter the environmen­tal or health costs to people those people in West Lothian who will be impacted.”

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