West Lothian Courier

Winter help for older people


A West Lothian housing associatio­n has been caring for its more mature tenants, by providing them with Winter Wellbeing packs.

Bags containing a variety of items to get pensioners through the colder months have been dropped off at almost 300 households in and around Livingston by Almond Housing Associatio­n .

Tenants aged 65 to 72 were delighted to receive the packs which contained items including cake, shortbread, soup, radiator covers, a thermal cup, a torch, a hand warmer, and lots of useful informatio­n on community groups and local schemes which support the elderly.

CEO George Webster said the associatio­n is keen to ensure their tenants are well cared for at this time of year.

He said: “The older generation are particular­ly vulnerable during the colder weather. So it’s important to look after pensioners at this time of year.

“Almond wanted to make a gesture to show our more mature tenants how much we care, and to ensure they get any help they might need over the festive holidays. We hope they all get to enjoy New Year.”

Last year, Almond provided packs to those aged 73 and over. So this year the social landlord gifted them to anyone aged 65 to 72. The aim is to provide a Winter Wellbeing pack every two years to pensioners who might need a helping hand.

Housing officers, who have delivered the packs to tenants, have had a positive response.

And among the responses was one man who showed his gratitude on Facebook, posting: “What an amazing idea! Having given my nana a lovely wee gift bag to help during the winter, she’s chuffed to bits.”

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