West Lothian Courier



Please note the closure of Almond Bank Path between Beauly Drive and Almond Park at Almond East Bridge, Almond Road, Craigshill. Alternativ­e route and crossing facility on Almond Road is provided for pedestrian­s. Work will be until September 13.


Our Hub Cafe is open on Mondays to Fridays from 9.30-1.30 and we hope to extend our hours soon.

Just to highlight once again that if you are coming to the cafe, we need you to complete a Trace and Protect form for NHS Scotland if they require details of our customers if there is some sort of Covid-19 outbreak. We just require your name and phone number although an email address can also be provided. The forms need to be left with us and we only keep them for 21 days and then they will be shredded. We have chairs and tables for outdoor seating too Some of our classes have also re-opened, details to follow in due course.


Transform Craigshill aim to work co-productive­ly to improve the lives of people who live, work or socialise in Craigshill.

By working together & empowering our community, to take action, reduce inequities & enable people to have the best possible life.

The core Transform group meetings will recommence on a monthly basis, as soon as it is deemed safe to do so. If you are interested in becoming a board member, or wish to attend our group meetings, please phone Debbie on 0752 8233625 for more informatio­n.


Dial-A-Ride is back fully operationa­l now albeit with some changes to meet Government guidelines. We can take up to 4 people from 1 household on a journey.

You can call the office now and make bookings for any journey.. Remember we are still providing transport for any medical appointmen­ts. We have missed all our passengers and look forward to seeing you all soon!


CAB West Lothian is still providing a service and trying to help in any way we can. We have been working hard over the last couple of weeks to adapt to the changing times around us and our response to the outbreak of COVOD-19.

Our teams are now working from home and we continue to provide advice and support by telephone, e-mail and web chat.

There is also an option that you can send us a text and we will call you back Phone: 01506 432977, E-mail: enquiries@ cabwestlot­hian.casonline.org.uk or text 07712 305764.

The need for advice has never been so high and the aftermath of this current situation will mean that the demand for our service will increase dramatical­ly so please be patient. We are here, as always, for everyone in West Lothian and will continue to work with you and those who need it.


Almond Housing Associatio­n staff are working from home but that doesn’t stop them from helping the community at this difficult time.

The associatio­n continues to work with local groups to provide essential food to the people of Craigshill.

Working in partnershi­p with West Lothian Youth Action Project, they provide food and other essentials to the community fridge at Riverside Community Wing.

The community fridge opens every Thursday from 9.30-12.30pm and gives residents access to surplus food. Staff from the West Lothian Youth Action Project also cook and deliver meals locally twice a week for those who are unable to get out to the community fridge.

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