West Lothian Courier




Are you a business based in Kirknewton, East Calder or Calderwood? Do you live in Kirknewton but own your own business elsewhere? KCDT are preparing for the future and how we can help Kirknewton people get back into work, promote your local business, make business to business contacts with each other and support you post lockdown or for the challengin­g times ahead. We are also refreshing our Kirknewton Business Directory from scratch so please do give us your details at this survey https://www. surveymonk­ey.co.uk/r/kirkybiz


Thank you everyone who completed a survey regarding the community fridge and larder. We really appreciate you taking the time to give us your feedback. Based on the responses we are trialling new opening hours as below. New opening times are now Mondays from 5-7pm. (This is instead of the Tuesdays) and open on Thursdays from 9am-1pm ( this will be soup bag day). Remember if you cannot make these times you can get in touch and we can make up a bag for you. Also, if there is anything, we do not stock that you would like you can let us know and we will do our best to get it for you. We will be continuing with the Soup bag on a Thursday and watch this space for more bags.


The Good Food Kirknewton Wholefoods Project is nearing completion. The initiative between Kirknewton Community Developmen­t Trust, the Cyrenians Farm and Festival Stores will see twelve lines of wholefood products available in the local shop. The unit is now in store for you to see. Help determine what goes in the unit with our short survey https://www.surveymonk­ey. co.uk/r/goodfoodki­rky


Every 5 years Kirknewton do a major community participat­ion exercise to help inform the Kirknewton Community Developmen­t Plan.

You can have your say about what you like about Kirknewton, what’s not so good and what would make it better. Your comments will inform the Kirknewton Developmen­t Plan 2021-2026 and focus our work and resources. It will be a great help to inspire ideas, lead to more discussion or evidence need for funding on projects to potential funders. and we’d appreciate and encourage you and all members of your family who live in Kirknewton ( young and old) to participat­e. We intend to do telephone calls, drop ins, speak to community groups, do on street and door to door interviews this will be difficult at this time. So please if you have time do answer the questions at the link and have your say. www. surveymonk­ey. co. uk/ kirkysurve­y20

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