West Lothian Courier

Following FACTS can help win this battle


Livingston Football Club has underlined the importance of following FACTS to keep coronaviru­s under control.

Manager Gary Holt and defender Jon

Guthrie have urged fans to continue to follow the vital steps, highlighti­ng how compliance will help protect the progress that has been made as the country works towards a safe phased return to stadiums.

The FACTS acronym stands for:

Face coverings, Avoid crowded places, Clean hands and surfaces regularly, Two-metre physical distancing, Selfisolat­e and book a test immediatel­y if you have coronaviru­s symptoms.

While the Scottish Government approved two football pilot events with limited spectators for the first time on Saturday, the recent rise in positives cases in Scotland has reinforced that the situation remains fragile.

Club chairman, Robert Wilson, said: “We at Livingston Football Club feel that it is vitally important to support FACTS during these unpreceden­ted times to ensure the health and safety of the population is protected.

“Football clubs have a massive platform to push important messages on and during this current pandemic. There is nothing more important than rememberin­g FACTS.

“On a whole we have made great progress over the past couple of weeks and months to protect ourselves and those we love from the virus and we have to continue the great work that has been done.

“So, all at Livingston Football Club would urge not only football fans, but indeed wider society to continue to follow FACTS for a safer Scotland.”

Minister for Public Health, Sport and Wellbeing Joe Fitzpatric­k added: “We are all the first line of defence against this virus and I’m pleased we have this support from footballs clubs urging fans to keep to the guidance to avoid moving backwards or spreading the virus.

“Only working together and following the guidance together, will we succeed in controllin­g the spread.

“Each letter of FACTS represents one of the vital measures we all need to follow to keep ourselves and those we love safe.

“The recent reimposing of restrictio­ns has served as a reminder that the virus hasn’t gone away and needs everyone to stick with it in order to keep it under control.

“We welcome this support at club level and would urge football fans to play their part in helping protect the progress that has been made, and ask that they to continue to following these vital steps to keep themselves and their families safe and work with us so that as we suppress the virus we can see the things that matter to us safely return.”

To find out more about FACTS and staying safe, visit mygov. scot/ coronaviru­s.

 ??  ?? Face FACTS Livingston defender Jon Guthrie is backing the campaign
Face FACTS Livingston defender Jon Guthrie is backing the campaign
 ??  ?? FACT of the matter Livingston boss Gary Holt
FACT of the matter Livingston boss Gary Holt

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