West Lothian Courier

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Lothian MSP, Miles Briggs, is supporting the campaign to save indoor and soft play centres in Scotland.

Mr Briggs has submitted a motion at the Scottish Parliament which has gained cross party support from Liberal Democrat, Labour and Independen­t MSPs.

Indoor and soft play areas employ hundreds of staff across Edinburgh and the Lothians, whose jobs are at risk due to closures.

Indoor play centres were due to open on the September 14, but was postponed with 4 days’notice. The new opening date of 5th October is looking increasing­ly unlikely with the rise in the number of confirmed cases of Covid-19 in Scotland.

Thousands of pounds have been spent by indoor and soft play centres preparing for a reopening that is looking like it will not happen. The autumn and winter months are the busiest times for indoor and soft play centres, with the weather being less good.

Indoor and soft play centre campaigner­s have held a rally outside the Scottish Parliament to raise the profile of indoor play centres and highlight the lack of support from the SNP Ministers and the Scottish Government.

Mr Briggs said:“Indoor and soft play areas have spent thousands of pounds getting themselves Covid-19 ready, to minimise the spread of transmissi­on, and allow them to open their doors again.

“These businesses have been told at short notice that they are no longer able to reopen and many are at real risk of closure, threatenin­g jobs and peoples livelihood­s.

“If the indoor and soft play areas are being singled out to stay closed, then the Scottish Government must provide them with the necessary support to survive through to next year.!

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