West Lothian Courier

Fight over random testing


West Lothian Council is determined to press on with its plans to introduce random drink and drug tests for drivers of bin lorries and operators of heavy machinery.

Unions continue to oppose the plans first proposed in March 2019 and say the proposal discrimina­tes against a small number of union members.

They argue that random testing should apply across the board for all employees, and have balloted for strike action should the policy be forced on staff.

The council has argued this is impractica­l and proposes “with cause” testing for all other employees.

A meeting of the council’s Partnershi­p and Resources Policy Developmen­t and Scrutiny Panel (PDSP) agreed to delay implementa­tion until next spring to allow investigat­ion into a disputed Integrated Impact Assessment (IIA) carried out by HR staff.

The unions questioned the HR assertion that the transporta­tion of clients by council staff working in social policy was too infrequent to qualify for random testing.

In a report to the panel, HR officers said: “The trade union side have proposed that if frequency is of relevance to the transporta­tion of clients, then it should also be of relevance to the use of heavy machinery.”

Cosla has said it is up to individual authoritie­s whether they implement drug / alcohol testing policies.

No other authoritie­s have such policies. Only Shetland Islands council has testing for its sea-going staff.

Questioned by Donald Stavert from Bathgate Community Council on pressures to introduce tests, Graham Hope the council’s chief executive, said: “This council has often been in the vanguard of reform.”

SNP group leader, Councillor Janet Campbell, pointed out that the largest public transport group in the Lothians had introduced random testing but applied to all its staff because it was deemed as “discrimina­tory to test only bus drivers.”

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