West Lothian Courier

Lions on the hunt

Boss wants third win


Linlithgow Rose boss Brown Ferguson has called on his players to embrace the romance of the Scottish Cup as they face Glasgow University in Airdrie with a place in the first round up for grabs.

The Rose go into the clash against the West of Scotland outfit on the back of four consecutiv­e wins and play a tier above their opponents.

But the gaffer is under no illusions as to how difficult it will be to progress to the next round.

Speaking to the Courier, Ferguson (below) said: “The Scottish Cup is always a welcome opportunit­y to try and make a name for yourself.

“It’s the romance of the cup, isn’t it? You just never know what can happen. You never know who you’re going to draw when you’re in the hat. There’s a lot of excitement surroundin­g the competitio­n.

“The most important thing for us on Saturday is that we get ourselves in to the draw for the next round. You obviously want to play well on top of that but it’s about the win.”

He added:“It will be a big pitch at Airdrie and we’re going to need to match Glasgow University’s fitness and desire on the day.

“They’re a team I don’t know too much about but they played Kello Rovers on Saturday and won 1-0.

“We played Kello a few weeks ago in a cup game at home and won with a last minute goal.

“We certainly can’t go into the game with any sort of complacenc­y because I have no doubts that they’re a good side.

“We need to make sure that we prepare and approach the game in the right manner and hopefully we get the win on the day.”

The Rose head into Saturday’s second preliminar­y round clash after jumping into third place in the East of Scotland Premier Division table and Ferguson admits they’re starting to turn things around after what had been a particular­ly challengin­g start to the campaign.

He said:“We’re full of confidence just now with four wins on the bounce and you hope that gives you an edge going into a game.

“It was a very difficult couple of months at the start of the season but we’ve settled down and I think we’ve turned a bit of a corner.

“There’s a better feel about the place now but you’re only as good as your last result and come Saturday evening we want to make sure our last result is a win in the Scottish Cup.”

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