West Lothian Courier



Seafield youngster David Philp certainly racked up the miles in his final season racing a Micro F2 - despite the campaign being curtailed by the Covid-19 pandemic, writes Jim Turner.

Philp will have turned 11 by the time the new season gets underway, making him too old to continue with Mirco F2 but he was sure to make the most of the year before taking up a different challenge next year.

Despite the curtailed season, when the ovals south of the border opened the team was often on its travels over the weekends competing in events across England.

The young ace certainly let them know he was there, picking up wins at Skegness, Buxton, Birmingham, St. Day and Taunton.

At one Taunton meeting, he dominated on a wet and slippery track by winning all three races. Overall, across the season, David won 13 races, picked up 12 runnersup spots, seven third places and all told had over 40 top-five results.

Closer to home, at the Cowdenbeat­h Racewall, he was also dominant as he picked up a couple of wins and numerous finishes in the classifica­tions.

The youngsters raced their hearts out and quite often you could see four cars side-by-side racing on the bends. In wet conditions, David would be particular­ly effective and make up ground as he took his car closer to the wall to get better grip.

His last race proved to be a bit of an anti-climax when a driver spun in front of him and he was left trapped between the car and the wall.

It was a disappoint­ing finale to what had been a tremendous Micro F2 career for the youngster.

 ??  ?? Busy season
David Philp racked up the miles in his 299 car despite a shortened season
Busy season David Philp racked up the miles in his 299 car despite a shortened season

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