West Lothian Courier




FIRST Minister Nicola Sturgeon, comedian Michael McIntyre, pop princess Rita Ora and Pride of Scotland host Elaine C Smith give Charandeep Singh a quadruple whammy of a surprise in the show.

Charandeep is the driving force behind the Sikh Food Bank, a multi-faith team of volunteers who delivered more than 100,000 meals to families since lockdown began.

And Charandeep thought he was on a routine delivery run with his brother Sharandeep, when they pulled up outside the People’s Palace in Glasgow.

Instead Elaine was waiting for him next to a huge screen with his name in giant letters. Before a stunned Charandeep could work out what was happening, volunteers streamed out from behind the screen, and Elaine revealed he had won a special recognitio­n award.

But that wasn’t the end of the surprise as Michael and Rita appeared on screen to offer their congratula­tions.

And Charandeep is at the Cloisters during Thursday’s show for a reunion with Elaine, and a special tribute from Nicola Sturgeon. Launched in March by the Sikhs in Scotland charity as a direct response to the pandemic, the Sikh Food Bank was set up to help the most vulnerable across all sections of the community, including those selfisolat­ing, families struggling to make ends meet as well as the elderly and homeless. Volunteers deliver groceries to people unable to go to the shops themselves, as well as food parcels and hot meals. They also run a check-in phone service, available in English, Panjabi, Hindi and Urdu, to help combat loneliness and isolation.

Supported by a 50-strong team of volunteers, during lockdown Charandeep led the delivery of more than 100,000 meals and food parcels across Glasgow as well as in Edinburgh, Dundee and Aberdeen.

In the run-up to the return to school they also provided packs to help children in need with supplies and resources.

 ??  ?? Michael McIntyre and Nicola Sturgeon
Michael McIntyre and Nicola Sturgeon
 ??  ?? Charandeep Singh
Charandeep Singh

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