West Lothian Courier

But waiting for clarificat­ion


through the Music Venue Trust.

“We have just decided that we will leave it for another couple of weeks and then hope we get the guidance to see what can or can’t be done.

“It is going to be well into June now before we could even think about putting something on.

“We have worked out we need about three weeks just to get set up, get stock and the bar operation, plus a lot of bands are just getting back to speed rehearsal wise.”

The Dreadnough­t is grateful for the furlough scheme and funding help they have received along the way from Creative Scotland.

The Music Venue Trust have played a pivotal role in helping small venues and now Alan wants punters to come out when shows restart and show their appreciati­on for new talent.

He added: “Things are raging on behind the scenes. We have been part of the Music Venue Trust for the last number of years but obviously in the last year they have been battling for small grassroots venues up and down the country.

“These venues are an intrinsic part of society, and without them you wouldn’t have had a Lewis Capaldi, so they have shone a light on the wee clubs that have scattered about all over the place.

“Our key message is to support live music and more so than ever before. We would encourage people who have never been before to make the effort and check the bands out.

“Places like ourselves are key to the progress of a lot of local musicians that are now making there way through to the big time.”

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