West Lothian Courier



anyone who might want to have a table, please get them to email Leigh (leigh@ craigsfarm.org.uk). She will confirm the criteria and hopefully by the Summer restrictio­ns will be lifted further so we will have more tables on offer.

Thank you to Leigh, Christine, Sam, Caroline, Greg, Luke and Cameron for working so hard to make the event such a success. Also to Gordon and our friends from the Co-Op for helping us out as volunteers.

Our café is now open Monday to Friday from 9- pm.

during the opening hours outlined.

a new community led shop in East Calder is now open. Its opening hours are Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays from 10-2pm at, 148 Main Street, East Calder. The shop has a wide range of inexpensiv­e good quality pre-loved clothes, books and household items.

Thank you to all those who have been in contact about whether we are taking donations. We currently have a fully stocked shop with additional stock in reserves and are therefore not taking donations at present. We will be taking donations once we get underway and we start to sell things. We want to ensure in our Community Shop that we are selling high quality goods at affordable prices that add to the life of our community members and reduce our waste. We will put donation call outs on FB and through our website. For those who have been in contact directly with the page and/or a trustee we will be back in contact with you individual­ly. Further info on www. reuseandth­rive.org.uk or on Facebook “Reuse & Thrive”.

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