West Lothian Courier

BARTLEY: Time to walk off the pitch

Livi assistant says it’s up to the players to make a statement


Livingston assistant manager Marvin Bartley has called on teams to walk off the pitch if players are subjected to racist abuse.

The 35-year-old, who was appointed as a Scottish FA Equality Advisor earlier this year, made the statement on ITV’s Good Morning Britain following alleged racist abuse suffered by England players during their match in Hungary.

Bartley, who has spoken passionate­ly on numerous occasions about the need to stamp out racism from football both at home and abroad, says it’s time for players to ‘take matters into our own hands’ and insists sanctions given by the game’s governing bodies haven’t been harsh enough.

He commented: “You have to walk off the pitch. The way you hit them where it hurts is by walking off the pitch when you are racially abused and leaving one team out there.

“UEFA and FIFA for a long, long time we’ve hoped that they’ve handed down sanctions that have been firm enough and have been a deterrent and they just haven’t done it.

“They’ve spoken about Show Racism the Red Card and No to Racism and any discrimina­tive messages coming from fans but when it comes to the fines it doesn’t show that.

“So now it is time to walk off the pitch because it will hit them where it hurts.”

He added: “Broadcaste­rs pay a lot of money to broadcast these games, sponsors pay a lot of money to sponsor these games.

Who’s going to want to sponsor or broadcast a game that after 20 minutes if someone is racially abused, the team are going to walk off the pitch?

“At the end of the day, FIFA and UEFA are out there to make sure football is a safe place for everybody. At this moment in time it’s not a safe place.

“Now it’s time for footballer­s, because we are the product at the end of the day - without the players there is no UEFA, there is no FIFA so if we don’t feel that we are being represente­d by them and protected by them the way we should be, let’s take matters into our own hands.

“Who’s going to want to watch a game where there’s only one team on the pitch? Who’s going to want to sponsor a game for 90 minutes when after 20 minutes someone’s been racially abused and the other team walk off the pitch?”

In April, Bartley called on social media companies to do more to protect players from abuse commenting: “Football has a powerful voice in society. We are using that power for good use.

“We know we have a key role but where that stops is we can’t force social media companies to stop people being abused on their platforms. It can be racial, about someone’s sexuality or religion.

“I spoke to a player recently who was struggling to cope mentally with it all because of the abuse.

“You have young individual­s who look like they could do the most extreme thing and take their own life because they don’t feel protected.”

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 ??  ?? Making his point Marvin Bartley takes the knee ahead of a game
Making his point Marvin Bartley takes the knee ahead of a game

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