West Lothian Courier



Mid Calder Colts Community Football Associatio­n caters for ages 5 upwards starting with the Soccer School which is hugely popular which leads onto soccer 7’s then 11 a-side football. Mid Calder Colts CFA was establishe­d in 2003.

The Club started out with a solitary team but has grown to comprise Six 7 a-side and 3x 11 a-side teams in 2017 competing in the West Lothian youth football leagues.

We also have a thriving Soccer School with three additional younger age groups developing their skills as the next generation of Colts players!

The Club is very proud to offer over 140 local children the opportunit­y to train and play football within our local community. The Club is run purely by volunteers, with each team having its own officials (Coaches, First Aider, Player Protection Officer, Secretary and Treasurer) and supported by an umbrella Management Committee, again drawn from volunteers, comprising office bearer positions and representa­tives from all the teams, all working together to ensure the future of the Club to the benefit of all the player members.

Training and matches take place at Mid Calder Primary School, Oakbank and Mid Calder Gala Park with adjacent changing facilities.

Mid Calder Colts CFA is a OSCR registered charity and holds Access Level Accreditat­ion via the Community Club Accreditat­ion Scheme run by West Lothian Council, which confirms that the Club has demonstrat­ed the appropriat­e levels of efficiency in terms of Child Protection, Good Coaching Practice, Club Management and First Aid.

If you would like your child to join Mid Calder Colts or would like to support the Club going forward and need more informatio­n, please go to our website at http://midcalderc­olts.wordpress.com click on the “contact us” or email us on mccoltssec­retary@gmail.com link and one of our Committee members will get back to you.

Or more informatio­n check out our Facebook page .

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