West Lothian Courier

Controvers­y over plan to change pub’s name


Former Scottish First Minister, Alex Salmond, has waded into the row about renaming the Black Bitch Tavern in his home town of Linlithgow.

He has pledged his support for the local campaigner­s who have now marshalled a 6000-strong petition opposing the name change by Suffolk-based brewery chain, Greene King.

Mr Salmond, himself an authentic Black Bitch - someone born in Linlithgow - said Greene King should call time on their “daft plans”.

He continued: “Whoever they consulted on this silliness certainly wasn’t local where the name Black Bitch is borne with pride as showing awareness and respect for Lithgae’s rich history.

“The legend of the faithful black bitch is woven into the Royal Burgh’s tradition and has no associatio­n whatsoever with racism or sexism just Lithgae-ism. To suggest otherwise is deeply insulting.

“I have suggested to Nick Mackenzie, Greene King managing director, that his company should understand that the battle against racism is about respect and that you don’t advance that cause by disrespect­ing local communitie­s. They should instead redouble their efforts in inclusive employment and supporting anti racist causes not gratuitous­ly insult an entire town.”

Greene King last week confirmed plans to rename the Black Bitch to the Black Hound, saying the title is more inclusive.

He added the move is part of its commitment to being an “antiracist organisati­on.”

But over 6000 locals have signed a petition - called Stop the Black Bitch Pub Name Change - demanding the pub keep its original name, which has long been a nickname for local townsfolk and symbolises a wellknown local legend dating back to at least the 17th century.

The Black Bitch name is associated with the town’s coat of arms, which portrays the legend of a greyhound who saved his master when he was sentenced to starve to death on an island in Linlithgow loch.

It comes after Bathgate’s John Newland Festival changed its name due to his links to the slave trade.

 ?? ?? Name change The pub’s owners want to change its name but locals have signed a petition against this
Name change The pub’s owners want to change its name but locals have signed a petition against this

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