West Lothian Courier

Top tips to keep homes safe after spate of break-ins


Police are urging people to make sure their homes are safe and secure after two breakins in broad daylight just days apart.

Thieves robbed two homes last week, both in the middle of the day, when the owners were out.

The first happened on Tuesday, January 17, when a house at Muir Road, in Bathgate was robbed in broad daylight and jewellery stolen.

The break-in occurred sometime between noon and 1.10 pm on Tuesday while the owners were out.

A man with dark hair was seen in the area wearing dark coloured clothing.

The next break-in happened two days later at 1.10pm on Thursday, January 19, at a property in Tippet Knowes Road, Winchburgh.

The thieves made off with jewellery. Police have issued appeals for informatio­n and have also issued tips to home owners on how to make sure their properties are secure.

A spokespers­on for Police Scotland said: “Having your home broken into is not common. There are, however, many ways you can help secure your home.

“They don’t all cost money – some are common sense and good housekeepi­ng.

“First, think about basic good housekeepi­ng routines that aren’t expensive.

“Keep your home locked at all time. Many thieves do not need to break in at all because a door or window has been left open or unlocked.

“Don’t leave keys on the inside of door locks, under mats or anywhere else they

can be easily found. If you have a thumb turn lock on the inside of a door, ensure that it cannot be accessed from outside.

“Don’t put your name or room number on your keyring if you live in shared accommodat­ion. If it is lost or stolen, the thief will have informatio­n that could direct them there and don’t keep house keys and car keys on the same key ring.

“Don’t keep a lot of cash in the house and mark your property with a UV marker pen or Security DNA Kit.

“Look for the Secured By Design accreditat­ion on the product and register – you can place an invisible imprint of your postcode and house number on your possession­s

“You can record and register details of your valuables, serial numbers and features or marks, on devices on the national mobile property register on the immobilise website – this includes mobile phones, cameras, laptops and tablets.

“Don’t leave valuables where they can

be seen through a window – for example, around the tree at Christmas time – and if you have a wall calendar, avoid having it shown near a window from where appointmen­ts can be seen as people may see when there will be no one in.”

Neighbourh­ood Watch operates in many local communitie­s. Find out if a group exists in your area or how to set a group up by speaking to your local community policing team on 101.

For general crime prevention advice and tips, speak to your local Crime Reduction Officer / Designing Out Crime Officer or community policing team by dialling 101.

Anyone with informatio­n about the theft in Bathgate is urged to contact CID at Livingston via 101 and quote incident number 1500 of 17 January 2023.

Anyone with informatio­n on the Winchburgh theft should quote reference 1856 of 19 January, 2023.

Alternativ­ely calls can be made to Crimestopp­ers on 0800 555 111 where anonymity can be maintained.

 ?? ?? Burglary
A house was broken into on Tippet Knowes Road
Burglary A house was broken into on Tippet Knowes Road

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