West Sussex County Times

Time to vote for positive change


As pointed out in recent

County Times letters, Government policy set up local councils to fail against unattainab­le housing targets, leaving infrastruc­ture unfit for purpose, with higher levels of congestion, flooding and pollution. We also continue to see Neighbourh­ood Plans overturned on technical grounds.

That is a far cry from Government promises of ‘Localism’, making elected councillor­s accountabl­e for planning decisions and a National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) which was supposed to help meet the aspiration­s of residents.

Yes councils may be powerless to counter pressures from an unelected Quango (the Planning Inspectora­te) in Bristol, but it does not help if the ruling group on the council is not inclined to publicly criticise Westminste­r colleagues - for hanging them out to dry.

Developers may claim that delays between getting approval and building is due to restrictiv­e Planning Regulation­s. But that won’t wash because the lag between permission and build has increased since the advent of the NPPF and it should be clear that developers are in the driving seat.

Neither does it help when decisions are made behind closed doors and when the spectre of a party whip looms.

So it might help to have more councillor­s who are not in thrall to Westminste­r masters.

But based on experience, we will most likely see Tory majorities maintained in many councils after the May local elections.

If so then instead of the local accountabi­lity that we were promised, we can expect more of the same.

Without change we are also likely to see more stealth taxes rises and service cuts,

with several CEOs (plus senior support staff ) in West Sussex, continuing to cost well over £100,000 each.

With restructur­ing, some of that could be used to sustain essential services, or to limit tax rises.

As Einstein observed, doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting a different result, is not rational.

So why not vote for positive change, with more effective opposition and more transparen­cy?

It is just possible that those in Westminste­r might sit up and take some notice. ROGER ARTHUR Melrose Place, Storringto­n

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