West Sussex County Times

Saying goodbye to my mother


At 3am this morning, within a night of stinging tears

Your beautiful special life ended Mummy, amongst a wave of fears

Oh my Mummy, Nana and best friend, “Goodbye” I love you so.

Saying those sorrowful words, has been the hardest thing to do, I know

You were always by my side, through my child and adult days

Your love, devotion and pride, shone out like rainbow rays

‘I am Mother Hen’ you told me, I will always be there for you

I am sorry Mummy today, I was not allowed to be with you, its true!

Mummy died today from a virus, which is killing our world’s humanity

I was not allowed to be with you, kiss and hold your warm loving hand

Life can be very cruel ripping emotions apart and my sanity.

Mummy, you are with your mummy now, and my daddy too

Stand proud, be Mother Hen in heaven I say

I salute you Mummy, my hero, now my angel above

There is no pain, you are at peace now, fly like a dove

As I write this poem of words, filled with heartache and priceless times

‘Time’ will heal my broken feelings, look Mummy, my poem rhymes!

‘Time’ will help me to recover, I will strive to be like you

Another ‘Mother Hen’ watch me Mummy do!!

xxxxxxGOOD­BYExxxxxxx LYNETTE COATES Swallows Lane, Shipley

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