West Sussex County Times

Please reassess housing target


How councils are to determine their ‘minimum annual housing need’ is set-out in the ‘Guidance: Housing and Economic Needs Assessment, guides councils in how to assess their housing needs’, issued by the ministry of housing, communitie­s and local government.

The guidance informs councils that although ‘there is an expectatio­n that the standard method will be used’ for strategic policy making, it is ‘not mandatory’, ‘if it is felt that circumstan­ces warrant an alternativ­e approach’, with the caveat ‘that any other method will be used only in exceptiona­l circumstan­ces’ (Paragraph 003 Reference ID: 2a-003-20190220).

The advent of the Covid-19 pandemic, which is spreading at an exponentia­l rate, threatenin­g a recession and impacts far more severe than the financial crisis in 2008-09, is an exceptiona­l circumstan­ce - in consequenc­e of which Horsham District Council’s huge and unpreceden­ted open-ended housebuild­ing target has been made redundant – and ‘an alternativ­e approach’ is ‘warranted’ – and required.

With a deep downturn and a considerab­ly diminished housing market in prospect, house sales and build rates will reduce and the huge and unpreceden­ted communityh­arming housing target for the district, arrived at by the Standard Method and the addition of the open-ended ‘unmet housing need’ of other authoritie­s, will be rendered unachievab­le.

Resultant failure to meet housing targets will be the norm and the council’s ability to control developmen­t will be lost.

For the sake of the district and its communitie­s, scrap and reassess the damaging and unsustaina­ble housing target and with it the dystopian draft Local Plan. DR R F SMITH Trustee CPRE Sussex, Bashurst Copse, Itchingfie­ld

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