West Sussex County Times

Keep using cars less after crisis


Like most challenges, this current crisis also brings opportunit­ies. The streets of Horsham are wonderfull­y quiet, with the unfortunat­e exception of some drivers who cannot resist speeding, and walking or cycling for daily exercise and necessary travel feels safer and more pleasant than ever, especially with the longer evenings.

I expect many readers have noticed that the air is fresher and more pleasant, and that it’s a wonderful time to explore the district from our own front doors – keeping your distance from others of course – whilst getting valuable exercise.

The quiet roads are also perfect for building confidence cycling on the road, for children and adults. I’ve seen families are out and riding bikes on roads where they would never have done so in the past, that’s really heart-warming.

But being able to enjoy Horsham by foot or bike shouldn’t be something which needs to end with the current crisis. It should be something that’s part of everyone’s daily life.

Reducing our reliance on cars cuts pollution, reduces stress, and also keeps us fit and healthy – and that will always help keep pressure off the NHS, during Covid-19 and beyond.

With a bit of thought and reflection we can all do something to make sure the ‘normal’ we return to after the end of this crisis is better than the ‘normal’ we left behind a month ago, that old ‘normal’ is broken and no longer fit-for-purpose. I’ve chosen to not use the family car during the crisis and am using a cargo bike to do the weekly family shop instead.

When this is all over I will be switching the car for the bike whenever possible.

Let’s make Horsham a better, safer, healthier town by committing to reducing car use after the current crisis is over. I’m not suggesting cycling be made compulsory, I’m proposing that people consider walking and cycling in preference to the car, where possible.

E-bikes will have a serious role to play for those who find cycling too arduous without assistance. Things may not be perfect for cycling but not being able to achieve perfection should never be a reason not to try to improve things.

This is a small town, easily accessible by bicycle if the levels of motor traffic remain near their current reduced levels. GREG COLLINS Hurst Road, Horsham

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