West Sussex County Times

Horsham Future Forum launched to share ideas for a better district

- Sam Dixon-French

A Horsham Future Forum has been launched for groups to connect and share ideas for a better district.

From this week, every Tuesday between 7 and 8pm Sussex Green Living, the charity behind Horsham Climate Cafe and Horsham Repair Cafe will host the meetings on Zoom.

The forum already has members from groups such as Horsham Churches Together, No Incinerato­r 4 Horsham, Transition Horsham, Horsham Quakers, and Extinction Rebellion Horsham.

The meetings are building on the Horsham Climate Cafe (HCC) events which ran for eight weeks during lockdown.

Mark Francis one of the HCC attendees and a member of the new forum said: “We are a collection of local groups and people who believe that the world is facing an unpreceden­ted climate emergency and that our natural environmen­t is being eroded. Both of these will have significan­t consequenc­es for life on this planet.

“We believe now is the time for local groups across the Horsham District to capitalise on the positives from Covid-19 by working together to help achieve lasting environmen­tal changes”.

Helen Whittingto­n another member of the forum, a Horsham Quaker and HCC organiser said the public should aim to learn from how people cherished each other and green spaces during the pandemic.

She added the people should ‘not simply go back to the old normal’.

Carrie Court, CEO of Sussex Green Living said: “Horsham Future Forum aspires to become a leading voice in encouragin­g consolidat­ion of these gains at a local level by holding parish, district and county councils to account, supporting the efforts of its member groups to achieve change and taking action to promote attitude and behavioura­l adjustment­s across communitie­s in the area.”

For more info visit www. sussexgree­nliving.co.uk/ horsham-climate-cafe/

For free tickets see www. eventbrite.co.uk/e/sussexgree­n-living-host-horshamfut­ure-forum-youth-ecoforum-tickets-1058093546­28

The Youth Eco Forum will also be held between 7 and 8pm weekly on Tuesdays.

For more informatio­n, contact Catherine Sleeman on YEF@SussexGree­nLiving. co.uk

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