West Sussex County Times

General Knowledge Crossword


Across: 6 Emerson; 7 Bacon; 9 Els; 10 The Castle; 12 Bitter Sweet; 15 Dick Fosbury; 17 Aconcagua; 19 Jay; 21 Heron; 22 Fidelio. Down: 1 Emily; 2 Art; 3 Koch; 4 Cassowary; 5 Boulder; 8 Scarab; 11 Dickinson; 13 Thomas; 14 Pincher; 16 Kapil; 18 Uris; 20 Dev.


6. Ralph Waldo, U.S. essayist and poet who died in 1882 (7) 7. Francis, Dublin-born painter who died in 1992 (5) 9. Ernie, 1994 U.S. Open golf champion (3) 10. Unfinished novel by Franz Kafka (3,6) 12. 1929 operetta by Noel Coward (6,5) 15. American athlete who won the 1968 Olympic men’s high jump gold (4,7) 17. Highest peak in the Andes (9) 19. Bird of the crow family such as the Eurasian

Garrulus glandarius (3) 21. Wading bird with a long neck, slim body and grey or white plumage (5) 22. Opera by

Beethoven (7)


1 & 11 19c American poet whose published collection­s include Bolts of Melody (5,9) 2. Mr. Garfunkel, former singing partner of Paul Simon (3) 3. Robert, German Nobel prize-winning scientist who isolated the cholera bacillus (4) 4. Large flightless bird of Australia and New Guinea (9) 5. --- Dam, former name, 1933-47, of Hoover Dam, U.S.A. (7) 8. Beetle regarded by the ancient Egyptians as divine (6) 11. See 1. 13. Apostle who refused to believe in Christ’s resurrecti­on until he had seen his wounds (6) 14. “--- Martin”, novel by

William Golding (7) 16 & 20 Highest wicket taker in Test cricket (5,3) 18. Leon, author of

Exodus (4) 20. See 16.

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