West Sussex Gazette

Massaging the vote figures

- JOHN HUTCHINSON Palatine Road Worthing

With reference to John Munro’s letter (WSG February 6), Brexit was not a mistake.

The only mistake will be if this dithering Maybe Parliament does not implement the decision of the majority. What nonsense people talk about majorities. The majority for Brexit was decisive.

The correct figures for the referendum are:

Turn out 72.2% 46,500,000 Total valid votes 33,500,000 For 52% 17,400,000 Against48% 16,100,000 Mr Munro is massaging the figures. Some 30 million people did not vote to remain; 16 million did.

If, as Mr Munro would like, there should be a 75% majority required in any election then how long would it take to elect a parliament if all the MPs had to have a 75% majority to be elected?

Any party would have to have 75% of the seats to form a goverment? All this, of course, would apply to local elections and county elections.

It would also apply to all elections of any kind as the precedent would trickle down to all from the national level.

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