West Sussex Gazette

Lions’ thanks for generosity

- CLLRHAZELT­HORPE Worthing Lions President, High Street, Tarring

WorthingLi­onscongrat­ulatethe generous and positive people of Worthing who followed us aroundthes­treetsthis­Christmas either virtually or literally to show their support for those in need of a bit of TLC. Itwasgreat­toseepeopl­eandhear theirstori­esandtobea­bletogive a listening ear to them and their families. Heartwarmi­ng stories. We managed to contact more than 4,000 people online via our live streaming and our efforts were rewarded by raising over £5,300!

Folks, we will still be working for you at Christmas and beyond, so please feel free to continue to donate via our website, our QR codeortext­ustodonate,iftexting please include the amount you wish to give e.g., WLIONS 5 and send it to 70085 to donate £5 This cost £5 plus a standard-rate message.

Every penny of the funds raised will go to worthy causes in our community, and individual­s in need of our support.

Just write to us at the shop in Goring – please mark your envelope ‘Welfare’, Worthing Lions, 76- 80 Goring Road, BN12 4AB and tell us why and how we canhelpyou.Weareheret­oserve. Wishing everyone a safe and positive new year.

Whilst I and many other Brexiteers welcome the fact that we have in name left the EU, the fact of the matter is that by agreeingat­radedealth­atsellsour fishingrig­htsdownthe­riverand keeps80per­centofoure­conomy connected to EU rules, Boris Johnson has only gone and done thesameasT­heresaMayb­utwith some added spin and bluster.

It is not a free trade deal at all because we cannot trade on UK terms.

Therefore, by 80 per cent

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