West Sussex Gazette

Police precept to increase by average of £10


Plans to increase Sussex Police’s share of an average council tax bill by £10 a year has been signed off by councillor­s.

On Friday, January 28, the Sussex Police and Crime Panel gave its support to putting up the force’s precept by 4.7 per cent in the 2022/23 financial year – the maximum allowed without triggering a local referendum.

The increase, proposed by Sussex Police and Crime Commission­er (PCC) Katy Bourne, would mean a band D household would pay £10 more towards policing as part of their council tax bill, roughly equivalent to 83p more per month.

Mrs Bourne said: “Seventy-five per cent of all residences in Sussex are band D or below.

“So 75 per cent of those council tax payers will not pay more than the 83p a month I am proposing. I think it is really important that we recognise that.

“The other side to think about is the fact we are still the seventh-lowest precepted county in the country. So even with this 83p proposed increase, as a taxpayer you will pay the seventh lowest amount in England and Wales.

“Our government grant isn’t the biggest – I think we rank 12th or 13th lowest – and the amount we are getting from government is still frozen.

“One of the few areas that I can actually, with your support, make a change and put more into policing, so we do not move backwards, is around the precept.” Overall, the precept increase would be expected to bring in an additional £7.9million. But even with additional precept income and government funding, the panel heard that Sussex Police will need to find £5m worth of savings in order to set a balanced budget in 2022/23.

The majority of these savings are to be drawn from ‘ongoing department­al savings plans and contractua­l changes’, although some would also come from ‘vacancy management’.

This was of concern to some panel members, who had noted that the current Sussex Police vacancy rate was about 7.7 per cent.

While the precept increase received unanimous support from the panel, concerns were raised about the impact of yearon-year increases in council.

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